Jack Kemp : July 13, 1935 – May 2, 2009

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009

Sad day for the GOP and the country. He was one of the last decent ones on the national stage. .

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. nemski says:

    He was one of the last decent ones on the national stage.

    Couldn’t resist, could you?

  2. jason330 says:

    When have I ever resisted?

  3. ‘Bulo is not quite so charitable (not that he ever is). His take (shameless plug) is in the ‘Sunday Papers’ segment.

  4. Jack Kemp wrote a moving letter to his grandchildren upon the occasion of Obama’s election.

  5. Mike Protack says:

    Kemp had it right. Small and efficient government with simple, low and fair taxes.

    Above all else he worked for economic growth and knew that those who want taxes to produce revenue are misguided. Only economic growth across the spectrum produces revenues.

    Mike Protack

  6. Or the massive Reagan-era deficits. Courtesy of the ‘trickle-down’ economics pioneered by Kemp, Roth and Reagan.

    ‘Bulo read the letter that UI linked, and it is moving. However, Kemp still wholeheartedly embraces supply-side economics in that letter, the crackpot philosophy that led to the greatest shift of wealth to the wealthy ever. Kemp may have been a well-intentioned social moderate, but he was also an economic true believer who ultimately did great harm. It is important that we remember people, especially people who have influenced history, with a clear eye, not through a gauzy soft-focus lens.