Specter’s Cynical Machinations Open Door For Sestak

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009

Specter’s position seem to be – I’ll be a Dem in order to avoid losing the Republican primary, but beyond that I’ll oppose President Obama at every turn.

That’s good news for Joe Sestak who will not have to do much to be seen as the Democrat in the Democratic primary.

Specter does not seem to get that Democratic primary voters don’t like Republicans.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. Good luck to Joe Sestak. I think he’s an excellent candidate, but he’s not going to get much help from the party apparatus. Specter is going to have to move left to win a Democratic primary.

  2. anonone says:

    Put Sestak next to Specter in a debate and force Specter to defend his repub voting record. The physical contrast on stage alone will be striking.

    This incumbency protection racket sponsored by the corporate parties sucks.

  3. Specter is practically daring Sestak to run. ‘Bulo thinks that Sestak wipes the floor with the Ex-spectorator if he runs.

    Run, Joe, Run!

  4. John Manifold says:

    Don’t sell Joe Torsella short.

  5. Specter would no doubt survive a three-way primary.

  6. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Is there a rumor or is it just my wishful thinking, after voting R on the mortgage relief bill, that Carper will be switching places with ole Arlen??? Seems like a respectful thing to do.

    Oh, wait I mentioned the word ‘respect’ forgetaboutit then. Ain’t no respect coming from that joker…even self-respect has gone to the wayside.

  7. John Tobin says:

    There is now a blog totally devoted to Specter’s future within the Democratic Party and how his Democratic opposition is expressing itself.

    As of now ,this site does not seem to endorse any other specific Democrat,but has information about several options other than Specter . An interesting read whether you support Specter or dislike him.


  8. Joanne Christian says:

    John Tobin–There you are…I was trying to post, back to you at your site, but really don’t want an account–can I get an e-mail contact, your site doesn’t list one. Intentional?

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Thanks for that link, John.

    I’ll add that Sestak — while a very good potential candidate — isn’t much of a progressive. See Nate on this.

  10. John Tobin says:

    You’re welcome, Cassandra.
    Joanne, thanks for mentioning there was no email contact information on my blog.
    I updated it and you should see it now.

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    cassandra-music to my ears–you are so right about sestak-but you know, coming from me…..

    John Tobin-After I sent the request, I went back to your site, and thought I was going nuts–I scrutinized that site for contact info., and then asked my husband if I was missing something. Seeing that “contact” in the corner so soon, after I posted, I thought no way–we must have both missed this obvious contact–and how embarassing!! Thank you for freeing up my schedule this week for that now unnecessary MRI. I CANNOT believe how quickly you did that and responded!!! Thanks so much, I’ll be in touch.
    Oh and DL–thanks for facilitating this connection!!

  12. skippertee says:

    Specter looks like he’s got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.I wouldn’t subscribe to a magazine if I were himMaybe, if there is justice,he’ll do us all a favor and drop dead.

  13. skippertee says:

    I’m one Democrat who has serious reservations about Arlen Specter.I consider his jump to the Democratic Party nothing less than a blatant case of a self-serving politician trying to cover his own butt.What else could it be? He only did it when he saw he was going to lose in the Republican primary. He recently switched his position from for to against in relation to “card check”trying to win back the republican support he lost when he voted for the President’s stimulus package.For heavens sake,he was one of the original sponsers.Has he no shame?I have no confidence he will support the President”s positions on the health care initiative,cap and trade,education etc.And for the Administration to jump in offering support in raising money for a Democratic primary run completely astounds me.I’m a Delawarean but, from here, Joe Sistak would be a better pick.After all,we know who he is and what he stands for.With Arlen Specter we’ll never know.

  14. pandora says:

    True, Skippertee. It’s like Specter became a Democrat to prove he’s a Republican.

  15. skippertee says:

    Right back atcha’ pandora.