teh awesome!

Filed in National by on May 3, 2009

This compilation reel of last week’s talking heads is a keeper. I loved toward the end when Sean Hannity says that President Obama is the Republican’s greatest asset because he is more liberal than Europe. (Sniveling William Kristol obsequiously agrees!)

Also good stuff about the “don’t call it a re-branding” effort.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Teh awesome is right! I love how happy they are that Specter left. Think about their ectasy when Snowe and Collins leave.

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    Linc Chaffee comment was interesting about how this could potentially open the door for a new, viable national party… not the Libertarians though… the key adjectives were new and viable. 🙂

  3. jason330 says:

    The thing that gets me about guys NE Republicans like Chaffee is that if they had shown even an ounce of guts during the Bush horror – they would still have jobs.