Nate Silver Giving Castle a Shot

Filed in National by on May 4, 2009

Castle has no shot in hell, but Nate SIlver at is a pretty smart cookie and he picked Delaware’s Senate seat as the 8th most likely to flip in 2010.

8. Delaware (D-Open)
Last month, we touted Delaware as a sleeper, pointing out that Republican Mike Castle, currently Delaware’s at-large representative to the House, had an 8-point lead on likely Democratic nominee Beau Biden. Now, it looks like Castle’s interest in the race may be more than hypothetical, as he told Roll Call that he’s more likely to run for Senate than for re-election to the House. That statement can be interpreted in different ways since Castle, 69 years old and a stroke survivor, could easily choose retirement instead. But Democrats had better keep a close eye on this one or Joe Biden (assuming he’s gotten over his fear of public transportation) is going to be spending a lot of time on the Acela commuting back to Wilmington to campaign for his son.

One Word: Feh.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:


    This is starting to feel a little like Baghdad Bob. LOL.

  2. He made a DE Way deal with Carney. So it had to have included top DE DEMs which means CARPER. Castle CAN’T run again for the House.

    Can anybody get their heads around the idea – the DEMs have ‘cleared the way’ for a Senate race for Castle, a la Specter, without a party switch, no less?

    Is Beau Biden going to run or not. God forbid if Castle gets help from my party.

    Specter is sticking it to the DEMs by sticking with the Blue Dogs on both foreclosure cramdown and a public health care option – both things that we have to do now while the politics will allow it.

    This is getting ridiculous. Carper deserves active scorning. We have to raise the stakes, somehow.

  3. jason330 says:

    “The Americans are no where near the gate where I am standing now… and looking out… and seeing men who appear to be Americans…”

    Baghdad Bob and I will be correct sooner or later.

  4. jason330 says:


    Are you saying that Carper set it up so that Biden will not run this time in order to allow Castle to end his career with a stint in the Senate?

    It has the stench of truth about it.

  5. anonone says:

    Hopefully sooner, but I fear later.

  6. I am saying everything but that, Jason, because it is unthinkable. But, yes, it has the stench of truth.

  7. Maybe we need to have a conference call with Nate silver….

  8. John Manifold says:

    The Biden clan is very competitive. For that matter, so is Castle. Disparaging the “Delaware Way” has its place, but not here. There’s gonna be one massive fight if Castle goes for Senate.

  9. chuck says:

    Mike Castle Rolls – Beau passes this time around. He’ll run for Carper’s seat in 2 years. Castle will Retire in 4 or more… will not last 10 years in Senate. Beau will become the senior senator from delaware by the time he’s 48 or 50 and then he’ll focus on running for the office his dad couldn’t win.

  10. jim center says:

    I call Carper at least once a week, what a wanker!
    this week, after getting 1.5 million from the financial industry for his vote against “cramdown” in the bankruptcy bill, next week he’ll vote against
    health care, cause he got a lot of money from them too, then the next against EFCA, cause dupont don’t want no unions, then against raising taxes on companies who’ve moved manufacturing overseas instead of keeping it in USA, again with the dupont,etc, etc etc.
    I told his office today that in fairness, he should be come an R, he’d be their Lieberman Republic senator! Still, though, an unprincipled Ass!

  11. Geezer says:

    “Beau will become the senior senator from delaware by the time he’s 48 or 50 and then he’ll focus on running for the office his dad couldn’t win.”

    Maybe he ought to concentrate on doing a job more than a year at a time first.

  12. Chuck, you’re way behind. Carney is running for the House seat. Without Castle running, Carney will roll right into the seat.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    Unless Protack runs… 🙂