SB1 Voted Out of Committee

Filed in National by on May 6, 2009

DWA has excellent play by play live blogging.

250 pm: Now debating SB 58. This bill, in a nutshell, would mean that the AG’s office would have to start representing the citizens in FOIA requests as opposed to the state agency. This has been controversial the past few years. The AG’s office, when it receives a FOIA complaint, has had to represent the state agency denying the initial request. This means private citizens have to spend thousands on their own legal counsel, which is often an impediment to following through with said FOIA request.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. Good work! Any word on yes/no votes. Was it unanimous?

  2. jason330 says:

    You are a trip.

  3. How about real power?

    Inspector General



    Mike Protack

  4. PBaumbach says:

    don’t you worry about being on the same side as DeLuca on any issue?

  5. Another Mike says:

    Mike, you’ve flashed your “real power” in each of the last 10 elections. This bill would give citizens something. How many of us can afford to hire an attorney for a FOIA request.

  6. Ken Matlusky says:

    If the State Auditor were really getting tough and doing his job then nobody would be calling for an Inspector General.

  7. I thought that guy was quitting?