Breaking: Ridge is Out.

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009

Tom Ridge will not be running for Senate in Pennsylvania.

From Politico, his statement:

“After careful consideration and many conversations with friends and family and the leadership of my party, I have decided not to seek the Republican nomination for Senate,” Ridge said in a statement.

Now the race is the Democratic Primary…between Specter and hopefully Congressman Joe Sestak. Toomey, the GOP nominee, can just sit there and await his landslide loss in the fall of 2010, for he is as irrelevant as his party.

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  1. Wow. I leave to get my brother and interesting stuff happens.

    This is great news for Sestak! Run, Sestak, run!

  2. anonone says:

    This is gonna increase the national GOP pressure on Castle to run for the Senate.

  3. John Manifold says:

    But Weiner’s back in …

  4. Delaware Dem says:


    As for increasing pressure on Castle, maybe it makes Castle more relunctant to run, since fellow moderate Ridge is demurring. Indeed, I wonder if all the moderates are thinking “You know, let’s just let the whackjobs destroy the party, just so that we can finally be rid of them.”

    If you are an old school Republican (fiscal conservative, business friendly, i.e. du Pont, Rockefeller, Nixon), it must be really annoying to have these cocky annoying social conservatives and Club for Growth bullies around all the time.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Oh. Our Bob Weiner, or I should say Delaware’s Bob Weiner. I thought you were talking about a PA Senate candidate.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Harris (D) v Swann (R). Senate race for the ages. Must.make.happen!!!

  7. annone says:

    Delaware is likely an R pickup if Castle runs, which he will. He won’t face a viable candidate.

    Assuming Chris Dodd loses (its like Carper winning, we’d be better off if he lost to shake up the party in a good way and get rid of our dead weight), the dems could lose two Senate seats of the 15 they are defending in 2010. Colorado and Hawaii (if Danny hangs it up at 86) are also possible losses for the Dems, but not likely.

    On the other hand, the republicans are defending 19 seats in 2010 and seven of them are winnable for the dems – Florida, Missouri, New Hampshire (Judd Gregg), Kentucky, North Carolina, Iowa and Ohio. Another potentially intersting race for the dems is Arizona if McCain retires. The fact Republicans are defending 6 seats in blue states, and the dems are only defending two seats in traditional red states may bring the Dems to a 64 or 65 seat majority in the Senate even with losses in DE and NH. There is almost no way the republicans cut into the dems 60 seat majority in the Senate in 2010. Another scenerio covered on Huffington Post a week or two ago has the dems picking up (get ready) 9 seats.

    Dem losses: DE and one from NH, COLO, IL and Hawaii.

    DEM Pickups: Florida (the dems will put BIG money in this race with Martinez retiring. Big Money), Ohio (more BIG DEM money with Voinovich retiring) Missouri (Kit Bond retiring), NC and Iowa.

    Plus 3.

  8. skippertee says:

    Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out Arlen.

  9. David says:

    Good, Toomey will win and make a far better Senator than Ridge would have.

  10. a. price says:

    are you saying that to live up to a stereotype on purpose to be funny? or are you people really so diluted to think that A) toomey would be a good senator… or B) that a right wing nut like him could actually win against even Donovan? seriously man, i thought republicans wanted to come back>> I KNOW!!! A MORE SANTORUM-ISH SANTORUM!

  11. David says:

    Santorum was a two term Senator who could only be out seated by someone running pro-life, pro-gun and as a taxpayer guardian. Hardly an example of failure.