Petition HB5 out of that Bigot’s Desk Drawer

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009

Mike Matthews reminds us that HB 5 (the equal rights bill) was assigned to the Senate Executive Committee over a month ago. No committee hearings in the Senate. No vote in the Senate. Why you ask?

Because of the bigoted homophobe Thurman Adams, whose retirement into his own comfortable world of discrimination cannot come soon enough. As President Pro Tem of the Senate, the Bigot Uncle Thurm gets the power of the Desk Drawer Veto, where he and he alone can decide what bills never see the light of day.

I hereby call on all Senators, Republican or Democratic, to petition for the bill’s release. It is the right thing to do. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it but that ugly bigot Uncle Thurm. That you all cower in his presence is despicable. Petition the bill out now.

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  1. JimD says:

    Hey, this isn’t exactly the place to ask this, but I couldn’t find a better place. I feel very strongly that homosexuals should have equal rights in Delaware but I don’t know the first place to start to try to make that happen, can anyone help me out?

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Call your State Senators and tell them to petition HB5 out of Thurman Adams’ desk drawer so that the debate can commence.

  3. Jim,

    Are you member of the Democratic party? You could try writing a resolution for the Democratic party convention. There is some statements in the platform about non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Getting a vote on HB5 would definitely be a start!

  4. David says:

    It is unfair to attack the Senate President for being thoughtful. Gays and Lesbians already have equal rights in this state. This legislation is not about equal rights but lawyer’s rights. Now is not the time for another mandate on business. This legislation should be given due diligence in due time. There is no reason to rush it through as the house did without examination. There really is no time to properly exam it with all of the energy going to the budget. There is no reason not to wait.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Oh I see David – We have time for your discrimination law but not time for an anti-discrimination law. Thanks for playing.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    According to David, bigots are thoughtful.

    You know, I simply do not understand his antipathy towards civil rights for homosexuals. Go back forty years, and replace the word homosexual with African American, and David Anderson now sounds like George Wallace and William Sessions.

  7. That’s what I think too, DD. In 20 years when people are looking back at this time some people are going to look very foolish. Basically their argument boils down to 1) it’s icky and 2) it’s against my religion. My answers are 1) so? and 2) so? and we have a secular government.

  8. JimD says:

    Well, I’m registered as a Democrat, though I’m not sure that is the same thing.

    Gay people do not have equal rights, if you can be fired because you are gay that is not equal rights. “Lawyer’s rights”? Really? Yes, by all means, let’s say that every lawyer who brings suit to protect a minority is just out for the money. Every profession has money grubbing a-holes, I’m not sure why everyone thinks that being a lawyer is any different.

  9. PI says:

    I’m thinking David was trying to make a joke. If not, then he is the joke. What ‘rush’? This bill has been around at least since 2000. It just resurfaces with a different number. The desk drawer veto can’t be an excuse this time around with the Senate rule change. The bill will at least have a hearing in the Senate. Keep the phone numbers of the committee members on your speed dial and bug ’em until the bill is heard. Then, if it doesn’t pass the committee sniff test, it’s time for a petition.

  10. a. price says:

    David has been saying some stupid crap lately, i’m guessing this is the same david who thinks Pat Looney-Toomey would make a better senator than Ridge….. totally detached.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    David is not joking. Bigotry against gay people is part of the ideology — some people are supposed to be more equal than others, you know.

  12. I think David is part of the 21% rump of the Republican party. This is what they believe. They believe they’ll start winning elections by kicking out the Republicans of insufficient purity.

  13. PBaumbach says:

    The bill hits ’16 legislative days’ without action in Adams’ committee on June 2nd. The senate rules permit a clear path to petition out such a stranded bill. Many senators are uncomfortable signing such a petition before they give Adams those 16 legislative days to do nothing. Therefore there is a strong push to get the petition forward on the 2nd. You can help.

    When you reach out to your state senator, ask them specifically to sign the petition to bring HB5 to the floor of the senate on Petition Day, June 2nd. Many already have expressed such a willingness–if yours fits this category, thank them for standing up for equal rights for all.

  14. PBaumbach says:

    The bill will have a hearing, this Wednesday at 1:30pm in the Senate Chamber.