Delaware Liberal

Petition HB5 out of that Bigot’s Desk Drawer

Mike Matthews reminds us that HB 5 (the equal rights bill) was assigned to the Senate Executive Committee over a month ago. No committee hearings in the Senate. No vote in the Senate. Why you ask?

Because of the bigoted homophobe Thurman Adams, whose retirement into his own comfortable world of discrimination cannot come soon enough. As President Pro Tem of the Senate, the Bigot Uncle Thurm gets the power of the Desk Drawer Veto, where he and he alone can decide what bills never see the light of day.

I hereby call on all Senators, Republican or Democratic, to petition for the bill’s release. It is the right thing to do. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it but that ugly bigot Uncle Thurm. That you all cower in his presence is despicable. Petition the bill out now.

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