Brandywine School District Elections May 12th

Filed in National by on May 8, 2009

I’m sure many of you have seen the signs peppered up and down Shipley and Foulk Rd among other places. I reached out to both candidates via email Wednesday evening in the hopes that some very basic questions would be answered. I have not heard back from either candidate. Below are the questions I submitted to them via email. I’m a little disappointed I didn’t hear a thing. As a resident of the BSD I had hoped I would have heard back from one of the candidates. It pains me to think they aren’t taking this website serious and don’t realize the platform I was giving them.(snark)

So enough of the that. Here goes:

1. Why are you running for school board, and what are the top three things you’d like to accomplish during your term?

2. What are your views on school vouchers? Do you feel that we should have a voucher program in BSD?

3. Realizing that this is not in BSD I would still like your perspective on this issue: Due you feel that the Charter School of Wilmington should pay rent? Why, or why not.

4. What is your view on full financial transparency in BSD?

5. Which party do you belong to?

6. Do you believe in Evolution?

7. Do you feel Creationism has a place in BSD?

Thank you for your time and again if there is anything you’d like to add please feel free to do so.



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hiding in the open

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  1. Part of the problem — Down With Absolutes! | May 8, 2009
  1. Dorian Gray says:

    I think a few of the questions are irrelevant (#s 3 & 5) and the word “believe” in question #6 is problematic, but I am gob-smacked as to why you’d get no response at all. I mean you are borderline insane, but you are also a resident of BSD. This is an elected office, yes?

  2. Von Cracker says:

    You should’ve slipped in: Doggie or Reverse Cowgirl?


  3. Dorian Gray says:

    Ah, the old trick question bit. Answer, both A & B.

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    The real question is in which order?

  5. cassandra_m says:

    Still no response?

    Color me gobsmacked too. For everyone touting school board elections as a small activity responsive to those who are interested in the issues this doesn’t seem all that consistent. Or perhaps DVs name is not one of the insider’s club, so it is OK to slow roll a response.

    Seems to me that if you want to hide a small election in plain sight, the easiest way to do that is to combine with the regular Election Day. The usual suspects will be paying attention to the marquee races but will likely open up the process some to those who get shut out.

  6. pandora says:

    Shut out is exactly right. It’s like holding a district wide contest for Prom King/Queen and only promoting it at certain schools. This is the way school board elections tend to work. Certain areas are targeted to receive information while others are ignored. Don’t kid yourself, these elections are a low numbers game. Focus on neighborhoods that support you while keeping your fingers crossed that neighborhoods opposing you (or would oppose you) don’t realize there’s even an election.

    I have my questions out to the 4 Red Clay candidates. So far, one has answered, one has emailed to tell me their answers are coming, and two have not yet responded.

    Here’s the letter I sent are so we’re all on the same page:

    Dear (Mr. Hall, Ms. Williams, Mr. Randolph, Ms. Vavalla),

    My name is XXXXXX and I am writing to ask if you’d be willing to answer some questions for concerning your run for school board. I have sent these questions to all the candidates, and will compile a post reflecting your answers. If you’d be willing to participate, please answer the questions below and email your responses back to me by Sunday, May 10th.

    *If you decide to answer any, or all, of the questions I will post your answers, unedited, in their entirety.

    Thank you,


    1. Why are you running for school board, and what are the top three things you’d like to accomplish during your term?

    2. It has been said that Red Clay is comprised of “Have” and “Have Not” Schools. First, do you believe this statement to be true? Second, if you do believe the statement is true how would address the imbalance.

    3. Due you think the Charter School of Wilmington should pay rent? Why, or why not.

    4. What is your view on full financial transparency in Red Clay?

    (And, yes, I did write under my own name.)

  7. I wanted to let you know I received the emailed questions and always intended responding, I wanted to do so thoughtfully and that is what I have done. You should have my responses, and I would appreciate your support.