Delaware Liberal

Cape Henlopen School Board Race News Update and Request for Volunteers

The Cape Henlopen School Board election is 5 days away and Meyer Persow is working hard and campaigning like crazy for the At-Large seat. His work has been paying off — he had an impressive performance in this week’s debates; has been out and about meeting voters; he’s been endorsed by the Victory Fund and picked up an endorsement from a former President of the School Board and current board member, Dr. Charles Gary Wray.

Meyer will be campaigning throughout this weekend and the work wraps up with the GOTV effort on Election Day. And for that, Meyer is looking for a few volunteers to work the polls, which are open from 10 AM – 8 PM. He’ll be providing lunch and/or dinner and a nifty one-of-a-kind t-shirt. He notes that if anyone from upstate wants to come down, he’ll help to arrange for overnight accommodations if needed. Can you help him election Day? If so, contact Meyer via his website —, click on the Volunteers tab and provide your contact info.

If you can’t help out, but you live in the Cape Henlopen District, we hope that you’ll vote for Meyer. He is up on all of the issues and will work on enabling teachers and principals to innovate and focus on providing the best education possible — work that will be even more challenging during this financial stress. He is committed to openness and accountability and will work hard to increase these at the school level and between the board and parents. Delaware Liberal enthusiastically endorses Meyer Persow for the Cape Henlopen at Large School Board seat.

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