Delaware Liberal

Nah nah nah nah. Hey Hey Hey. Goodbye.

From VetVoice:

CBS Sports golf analyst David Feherty has gone off the deep end, or at least he thinks American Soldiers have. Check out this quote from Feherty in the April issue of D Magazine:

[I]f you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death.

Wow. There are so many levels on which this is one of the most inflammatory statements about American Veterans and Service Members that has ever been printed. Evidently, Feherty believes that we are mindless machines of death, who would without hesitation accept a loaded weapon from a stranger in civilian society, and then use that weapon to assassinate political leaders of the country we have sworn to defend. Second, Feherty disrespects the leaders of our most important branch of government by insinuating that, as the old right-wing smear goes, they “pal around with terrorists”, or at least ride the elevator together to work in the morning. Third, Feherty, who to my knowledge has never served his country or ours in uniform, makes the assumption that he knows Soldiers and Veterans, and that “any U.S. soldier” has such hatred for (again) the political leaders of the country we have sworn to defend, that we could not be professional enough to help ourselves from committing murder on the spot.

He will be fired shortly. And screw the apology that no doubt will be forthcoming. I understand reacting in anger and wishing that all Republicans would die. I have done it. Anger can do strange things to you, and even though it is no excuse, at least it is understandable. By all accounts, Mr. Feherty was calmly answering a question in an interview, as if in a golf whisper. Hell, he may have even been joking. But whose jokes are as detailed in their murderous design. Yeah, Mr. Feherty has issues, and I suppose none of us want to see what crosses his mind when angry.

What is it about Nancy Pelosi that angers these thugs so? Trust me, as a Democrat, she is harmless and powerless. Indeed, if it is her liberalism that angers them, I can assure them it could have been much much worse. Imagine me as Speaker. Well no, since Steve Newton and Dana Garrett consider me a blight on true progressivism…. consider Dana Garrett as Speaker. Then these right wingers would have something to cry about.

I am convinced the right wing pathology concerning Nancy Pelosi, and concerning Hillary Clinton for that matter, has everything to do with hatred of women. My mother, a die hard Hillary Clinton supporter during the primaries, says she learned one thing about America during 2008: we are more sexist as a country than we are racist.

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