Tornoe Cartoon on Carper

Filed in Delaware by on May 9, 2009

Or is it directed at us?  Either way, me likey.

carper-tornoeIf you like this cartoon, make sure to shoot an email to the editors at Community Publishing ( and tell them that Rob Tornoe rocks.  Thanks for letting us publish the cartoon, Rob.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Ok, that is definitely Jason in the glasses. And the guy in the Dems shirt has to be me.


  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Oh, and by the way, we don’t want Carper to leave the Democratic Party. We want him to retire, or we want to defeat him in a primary in 2012.

  3. a. price says:

    but i dont want arlen either

  4. I think it is directed at us. It’s pretty funny, though.

  5. jason330 says:

    Rob Tornoe is the most talented editorial cartoonist working the the state right now.

    Much more talented than the other one.

    Write to the editor. His Castle as a sheep was a classic.

  6. delacrat says:

    I guess Tornoe thinks democrats should be tolerant of Carper’s republicanism.

  7. anon says:

    Shhh…. I’m busy trying to think up an amusing but offensive stereotype for cartoonists… preferably something anachronistic, maybe from 30 years or so ago…

  8. Art Downs says:

    I suppose that the self styled ‘Progressives’ (the name was forever sullied by the failed Wallace effort to defeat Truman ) find fault with the moments of lucidity of Senator Carper.

  9. jen says:

    Where can we access more cartoons by Tornoe?

  10. jason330 says:

    I guess “Art Downs” (the name was forever sullied by the moronic Wallace/Truman references) had some time on his hands.