Be Like John Atkins

Filed in National by on May 12, 2009

Jump on the McGlinchey Bandwagon and grab a seat next to “distinguished Delaware Democrats” John Atkins, Karen-Wedlin Stewart, Paul Clark, and Harris B. McDowell.


Why don’t I see Tom Capano, Tom Gordon and Sherry Freebery on that list?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (25)

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  1. Why is Kowalko supporting McGlinchey?

  2. tim says:

    Kowalko is there because McGlinchey purchased his vote.

  3. jason330 says:

    I give him a pass based on John’s Union affiliations.


    That is about as laughable as anything else I’ve read about this race so far.

  4. A Delaware Patriot says:

    Marshall, Plant, Blunt, Walls, Baker, aren’t bad company.

  5. jason330 says:

    FWIW here is Celia’s take on the whole thing.

  6. RSmitty says:

    What? Celia’s still blogging? 😉

  7. I thought Brian Wilson Died?

  8. “I’m supporting John Daniello. John and I fight all the time. I would really miss that,” quipped Rebecca Young, the executive director of the Progressive Democrats for Delaware. “Seriously, you can’t argue with his record.”
    No? Daniello gave Rebecca her shot in the kleig lights…IIRC she owes him a BIG one.

  9. I hope John comes over here to ‘splain himself. 🙂

    Several of these legislators are backing very progressive legislation as put forth by Floyd McDowell from recidivism reducation to single payer.

  10. PBaumbach says:

    I know that it isn’t very snarky, but isn’t it possible that both candidates have positive qualities to bring to serving as chair, and that their supporters simply feel that they are the best candidate (without the person having been bought and without having a large debt owed to the candidate)?

    I’m in the camp that both candidates have a list of negative factors, leading me to wish for a third candidate (a Delaware Liberal), to come forth on Saturday morning. I don’t feel the need to trash supporters of either, however.

    In my blog I have, however, been quite liberal in my past criticisms of Daniello, snarky at times. I think that this is different from sniping at supporters of the two current candidates.

  11. PI says:

    It’s not the most impressive list of endorsements I’ve ever seen. John Atkins?

  12. Lee Brill says:

    Anyone who thinks Rebecca wanted a “shot at the kleig lights” doesn’t know her at all. She was begged to run for that seat by the party because no one had opposed the incumbent in ages.
    If she supports Daniello, she has other reasons than “paybacks”.
    If Kowalko supports McGlinchey it is at least in part because he received his support in the past. The state Dems were less than helpful in supporting John, to the point that some tried to encourage a popular republican to switch parties and primary John.

  13. Bill Dunn says:

    I spoke to a Democratic Party official this morning ( and I don’t think I was being “fed”) and he assures me that a number of those people are not endorsing Brian.
    Seeing its all second hand, let’s see what comes out today. Let see how many publically refute the ad.

  14. Rebecca says:


    Daniello didn’t GIVE me anything. I earned whatever recognition I’ve gotten through pure cussedness and hard work. And I did it because I believe that elections are the only way to bring about change in America. Winning elections is my only motivation. Winning elections for progressives is my driving force. I believe the best way to do that is working within the Delaware Democratic Party.

    But ya know Nancy, when you put in an 18-hour-election-day, as I just did for Lisa Diller, you tend to develop respect for the folks who are working along side of you. It’s the trench mentality I guess. And John Daniello is always there in the trenches. And he’s never shoveling money to the other side while I’m busting my butt to elect Mike Barbieri or others like him.

  15. Rebecca says:

    p.s. Thanks for the understanding and kind words Lee!

  16. Rebecca could have added, but didn’t, that she spearheaded the creation of the Progressive Democrats of Delaware. Through their grassroots organization, endorsements and financial assistance, they actually played, and continue to play, a key role in getting progressives elected and people involved in the grassroots.

    If there is a more selfless person responsible for Democratic success in this state than Rebecca, El Somnambulo has not met them.

  17. Joanne Christian says:

    And El, I wish I had met her earlier…and I’m not “snarking” or kidding.

  18. If she supports Daniello, she has other reasons than “paybacks”.
    If Kowalko supports McGlinchey it is at least in part because he received his support in the past.


    WHOA!! Hypocritical anyone?


    Rebecca, the way YOU spoke about Daniello’s gesture at the time is what my commentary is couched in. I may be able to find the time today to dig up actual quotes for context but prolly not. You seemed to admit at the time that he threw you a bone.

    When has the DEM party under Daniello and Paoli EVER worried in desparation about fielding a candidate for an unanswered opponent. The percentages of unanswered GOP candidacies are horrific.

    Only a clunk-head like El Bony would think that I don’t understand and appreciate where Rebecca is coming from and that she is da bomb when it comes to the organized onset of a progressive camp. But because Daniello is status quo, Carper fealty kinda guy, i.e.status quo.
    Two of my above comments (#9 and # 10) indicate that they are still in :moderation:. Is there a chance they’ll be released any time soon?

  19. Rebecca says:

    Aww shucks folks. And thanks for your kind words. Right back at you, because you all do your fair share of the heavy lifting too!

  20. anonone says:

    Rebecca rocks.

  21. PI says:

    Ya gotta love the way Nancy thinks everything has to have a price. For a lot of us, the only price is getting good people elected who will lean toward a more forward thinking agenda. I guess it’s easy to try to throw people under the bus when they don’t agree with your thinking, but I’ve really never seen Nancy out there knocking on doors and asking people to vote.

    I’ll take one Rebecca to ten Nancy’s any day. Her energy is boundless when it comes to getting Dems elected.

  22. no name says:

    I don’t believe that, PI, you are incorrect. I am way behind on this thread today since most of my commentary was in :moderation: all day.

    Thanks Jason, by the way, for the rescue.

    No, PI, since you are anonymouse, you can’t say fer shooore, one way or the other what you know about me because you’re to scared to say who you are and be verifiable.

    The one thing about anony is that you GOT NO CREDO honey….

    I have done a shitload of DEM toting over the years and some of that was proudly right along side of Rebecca Young as she will surely be gracious enough to admit.

  23. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, the first time I met Nancy was when we were paired for canvassing, way before I was a blogger, on election day 2004.. or was it 2000? Crap, I’m old.

  24. MJ says:

    A good number of the delegates from the 14th are also going to support Daniello, not because they like him so much, but at least we know what we’re getting with him.

  25. Rebecca says:

    You aren’t old Geek — you just started young. And yes, I’ve worked with you in the past Nancy. You can be really funny and that makes the work easier.