Late Night Probing Question

Filed in National by on May 12, 2009

What do you think of Elizabeth Edwards’s actions after learning of John Edwards’s affair?

Elizabeth Edwards is a public figure I really admire. She is an accomplished woman in her own right, and many times I found myself wishing she was the candidate. She seems so down-to-earth and charming, and she has survived so much – the death of her son, breast cancer and its recurrence and her husband’s affair.

Why did she continue to support her husband in his presidential campaign? What would she had done had Edwards won the nomination?

Here’s some reference material (the Oprah interview): [youtube][/youtube]

Do you think she has faced up to reality? One condition of the Oprah interview is that the name “Rielle Hunter” not be mentioned and the name does not appear in her book either.

About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I think that all relationships are like icebergs in that the public can only see the little bit that peeks above the surface.

    There is nothing as mysterious or unknowable that someone else’s marriage.

  2. I agree that their marriage is their business. They’ll have to decide where it goes. My question is that his presidential bid was obviously a shared ambition for them. What was the plan going forward for her? Would she have helped him cover the affair?

    Maybe the question is for my benefit: is she still someone I admire despite (IMHO) her not-admirable actions? If Edwards had won the nomination, it would have been a disaster!

  3. jason330 says:

    Oh yeah. That would have been horrible and I guess she would have owned a part of that.

  4. David says:

    She is a stand up person. I disagree with her on issues, but she is loved and loves her husband. That is not hard to understand.

  5. Perry says:

    Both of them demonstrated that their political ambitions exceeded their good judgment and his behavior standards.

    I found the Oprah piece to be really awkward, very uncomfortable to watch, to watch them both struggling, especially since I had been an admirer of both of them.

    I hope they return to the privacy of their home, out of the public eye, raise their children, and quietly work on their relationship. There is a lot of good in both of these individuals. Let their worthy causes be their public faces, not their attempts to fix their marriage.

  6. Geezer says:

    David: For once I agree, but how does that explain the book? I hate to say it, but won’t someone think of the children?