Delaware Liberal

Lofink Will Not Seek His Former Seat in 2010

Former Rep. Vince Lofink and his family have moved out of the 27th RD, which means that Earl Jaques will not face a rematch in 2010.

The couple has relocated to Hockessin. Come to think of it, that brings up something that Al Mascitti wrote here awhile back. Al was effusive in his praise of Janet Kilpatrick, Lofink’s spouse,  who (‘bulo remembers through a peyote fog, so it might not be accurate) was a Hockessin neighbor of Al’s. The Beast Who Slumbers shares Al’s high regard for Kilpatrick’s skills at cutting through the bureaucracy and for her ability to work in a bipartisan manner.

Hockessin could do a hell of a lot worse than Kilpatrick in some elected office or another, and couldn’t do much better. Something worth filing away…

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