John McCain’s Persuasion Skills.

Filed in National by on May 13, 2009

John McCain is reaching out to Republican Rep. Mike Castle to encourage him to run for Senate in 2010. He similarly reached out to former Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge to encourage him to run for Senate in 2010.

And Tom Ridge promptly announced that he was not running for Senate.

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  1. pandora says:

    Wow! Gotta love McCain’s Midas touch.

  2. I think it isn’t really likely that Castle runs. He doesn’t seem to be jumping on it. I’m sure McCain still has some influence among Washington Republicans but he’s been practically castrated by GOP Leader Limbaugh.

  3. jason330 says:

    I loved the kos poster who gave his post on that this headline:

    Ridge Gives McCain the Hiesman.

  4. jason330 says:

    BTW people read that blog. We should all comment on it that Castle sucks.

  5. anon says:

    Maybe I will have one more chance to get that picture of John McCain, Mike Castle, and Bill Lee all together.

  6. Sen McCain asked both guys as they were both co chairs for him. It is called friendship.

    Mike Protack

  7. David says:

    True and the fact that they are both high in the polls would have something to with it as well. McCain would like allies in the Senate. He has lost some and most of the candidates lining up are not his guys.

    I predict that he will get Congressman Castle because unlike Ridge, the Congressman wants to be Senator.

  8. jason330 says:

    I predict that you will be wrong. (again…)