Quote of the Day
When Cheney was in the first Bush administration, he was odd man out. Poppy, James Baker, Brent Scowcroft and Colin Powell corralled Cheney’s “Genghis Khan” side, as it was known, and his “rough streak.” Cheney didn’t care for Powell even then.
But with W., “Back Seat” — Cheney’s Secret Service name in the Ford administration — clambered up front. Then he totaled the car. And no amount of yapping on TV is going to change that when history is written.
Tags: Dick
Q: How happy am I that Cheney and Limbaugh are the public face of the GOP?
A:So freaking happy.
Love the penguin Jason330.
Good to see Cheney smiled for the picture.
The Chiclets of Evil.
The funny thing is, I have no idea why he is so concerned about history. Name another Vice President in our history that didn’t go on to be President. Besides Aaron Burr and we just remember him because he shot a dude in the face. Oh, nevermind, he’s fucked.
Al Gore.
Hubert Humphrey.
Walter Mondale.
Dan Quayle, too, but we’d have to dedicate an entire blog (not just a post, but an entire blog) on why that loon had no chance.
Of course, he was forced out (via re-election LOSS), but failed when he tried in 1996 primary.
I said history Geezer, not fairly current events. Start rattling off VPs from the 19th Century without Wikipedia and I’ll rescind my point.
Dick Cheney: Proving once again the good die young. 😉
Would…would you like to see Cheney rule again, my friend?
All you need to do is follow the worms…..
JimD – Tippecanoe?
Actually, it is rare for a Vice President to be elected President. Indeed, only Martin Van Buren and George H.W. Bush have been elected President while serving as Vice President.
Other Vice Presidents have ascended to the Presidency because of the death or resignation of the President: Harry Truman, Calvin Coolidge, Theodore Roosevelt, Chester Arthur, Andrew Johnson, Millard Filmore and John Tyler.
And Richard Nixon was elected President 8 years after serving as Vice President.
JimD’s point was that if they were never President (as Cheney will not) they are not remembered by history anyway. He should slink off and live a quiet life away from polite society.
But if he doesn’t, we should light him up like a Christmas tree!
John Adams was also elected President from the Vice Presidency, bringing the total to 3.
Vice Presidents that never became President:
Dick Cheney
Al Gore
Dan Quayle
Walter Mondale
Nelson Rockefeller
Spiro Agnew
Hubert Humphrey
Alben Barkley
Henry Wallace
John N. Garner
Charles Curtis
Charles Dawes
Thomas Marshall
James Sherman
Charles Fairbanks
Garret Hobart
Aldai Stevenson
Aaron Burr
George Clinton
Elbridge Gerry
Daniel D. Tompkins
John C. Calhoun
Richard Mentor Johnson
George M. Dallas
William R. King
John C. Breckinridge
Hannibal Hamlin
Schuyler Colfax
Henry Wilson
William A. Wheeler
Thomas A. Hendricks
Levi P. Morton
George Clinton
What? The leader of the P-Funk held the Vice Presidency? DAMN! So sorry I missed that.
Didn’t the media tell us that Cheney made the ticket better because Bush had an experienced old head to advise him and add gravitas to the ticket? Now Dowd wants to exonerate the media by claiming that the VP was some wild man restrained by others. How silly is that.
The only people who don’t eventually come to the truth of anything are the 21%ers (like Delusional David here) and conspiracy theorists.
Dick Cheney has not been good for this country and he and his minions are all out and about to try to change that story.
I think George Clinton was satisfied leading Parliament (Funkadelic).
I agree the media told us we were soooo lucky that Cheney and Rumsfeld were there to help out Bush. What a disaster both of them turned out to be.