Delaware Liberal

Changing the Language

After reading yesterday’s post about how the Republican Party is going to vote on a resolution to rename the Democratic Party to the “Democrat Socialist Party,” I realized how much Republicans have changed our language, just in 8 short years.

Did you know that…

  • “spreading democracy” now means invading another country
  • “Clear Skies” means allowing polluters to determine how much to pollute
  • “fiscal responsibility” means tax cuts for the rich
  • “socialism” means liberalism
  • “fascism” means stuff I don’t like
  • “harsh interrogation” and “enhanced interrogation” take the place of torture
  • “patriot” means dissenters should STFU as long as there is a Republican president but talk of secession when a Democrat is president
  • Though, I really think we should go further. I propose the following:

  • enhanced interrogation will henceforth be known as “happy puppy hour”
  • detainees will now be referred to as “houseguests”
  • tax cuts for the rich will now be referred to as “apple pie”
  • George W. Bush will now be called “ChurchillTrumanReagan”
  • moderate Republicans will now be called “endangered species”
  • former Republicans will now be called “untouchables”
  • Doesn’t it make you feel less angry already? I know I feel better. How can I be angry that Republicans are proposing more apple pie? How can I be upset that we’re sending our houseguests to happy puppy hour?

    OK, time to propose your own “enhanced vocabulary.”

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