Delaware Liberal

OMG! Teabagging 2.0 is Happening Today!

Socialist Tea Bag Fail

Socialist Tea Bag Fail

OMG! And we’re missing it!

According to Politico, TeaBag Parties 2.0 is on for today via a tele-town hall. They are expecting 30K people at this one, which doesn’t say much about their “grassroots” organizing — this number ought to be bigger than the 200K or so you got on 15 April, guys. Plus what happened to all of your sponsors and corporate supporters and FoxNoise boosting?

What happened is that the so-called “non-partisan” 15 April version (consisting of repubs and libertarians), finally came out of the closet. The Republican Governors Association is the official sponsor and organizer for the 30K true believers to talk to Gov Rick Perry and Gov Mark Sandford. All to jumpstart fundraising for the Governor races in New Jersey and Virginia. Which, of course, means that this whole Tea Party thing wasn’t much of a “citizen’s movement” or even particularly spontaneous. It was a way for repubs to try to get some grass roots cred which, of course, they’ve quite failed at.

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