HEY Delaware politicos….
Do you want to buy some soft press treatment for yourself or your candidate of choice?
Only $5,000 …CHEAP!!
Here is what you get:
- Regular feature pieces also known as “backrubs” !!
- Softball questions at press conferences!!
- Hatchet jobs on your political opponents!!
- The “Gold” listings that lazy readers love!!
- The veneer of actual objective news coverage!!
And best of all, this is a $5,000 campaign expense that will never show up on a campaign expense report!!! Simply check the “____ No, I do not wish to be identified online.” box and this transaction will be kept 100% confidential.
Act NOW!!
::End Snark::
Look. Everyone has the right to earn a living, but can we just admit that we are not talking about objective journalism here? It is the fraudulence that is killing me, not the bias. Everyone is biased.