Donviti Interview Tip #83

Filed in National by on May 15, 2009

Prior to an interview eliminate your uni-brow as well as nose and ear hair.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Why do false advertising if you don’t plan on always eliminating one’s unibrow, nose and ear hair. Put me in the category of thinking it’s not so important compared to dressing appropriately and being prepared for the interview.

    I’ve actually conducted interviews before. I’ll have to say that I never noticed unibrows, nose or ear hair. And I was interviewing scientists (a lot of whom can’t be bothered by that stuff).

  2. Joanne Christian says:

    I’m with ya UI, but they should at least blow their nose ALL the way.

  3. RSmitty says:

    I don’t know, UI, if one has more hair on the eyebrow, nose, or ear than one does on the cranium, it may be a good idea to rid one’s self of that hair. Oh, I also do mean more hair on EACH of the eyebrow, nose, and ear, not combined.

    Yes, DV, get rid of it!

    And I was interviewing scientists (a lot of whom can’t be bothered by that stuff).
    Yes, but I bet you offered critique on the pocket protectors!!!

  4. nemski says:

    But what if the person interviewing you has a unibrow?

  5. I agree Joanne, simple hygiene is a must and perhaps a little more than the normal attention to one’s appearance.


    I’ve definitely run into interviewers with distracting looks in my time. Like I said, scientists sometimes don’t pay attention to those things. But that’s what the person you work with will look like, so you’d best get used to it.

    I’ve never had an interview with someone wearing a pocket protector. Most of the time, they’re wearing a suit. Sometimes it’s an ill-fitting, years-out-of-fashion suit, but it’s still a suit.

  6. the cajun says:

    I was taught that this was just a part of everyday social grooming etiquette. And don’t forget the ear hairs.