Delaware Liberal

I Will Hold My Nose and Vote for Daniello

I have a distinct lack of enthusiasm for both candidates for leadership of the Delaware Democratic party. However, I am going to vote for John Daniello.

  • The party has had great success under Daniello, with Democrats now controlling the governorship, the state House and Senate and every major elected position.
  • He has been able to hold together the party, despite a caucus that is very divided along geographic lines.
  • I feel that McGlinchey has been not entirely truthful with his endorsement list.
  • And personally, I can’t quite throw my undivided support behind a candidate who may not fully back a challenger to Oberle in my district.
  • I agree with the major criticisms of Daniello. I think the lack of attention to the U.S. House race is a tragedy. I think he is part of the old school party apparatus, and probably is not very appreciative of the netroots. I also echo the criticism of using state party money to intervene in the primary.

    I do wish that a third candidate would come forward. I think there is a lot of renewal that needs to happen within the party, despite its successes. We need to kill off the Delaware Way for good. Will I be upset if McGlinchey wins? Not really, I just don’t feel strongly enough about either candidate. I realize that state party chair is a thankless position, a lot of work for no pay, so I salute anyone who is willing to take the job.

    This post represents my own personal opinion of the leadership race, and not Delaware Liberal. Everyone should feel free to vote his/her conscience.

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