Delaware Liberal

Delaware Democratic Convention LIVEBLOG.

I will be livetwittering and liveblogging all day. Here is Liberal Geek’s feed:

11:04… Carper came over to me, saw my computer screen with the DL logo, and said (and I am not making this up, ask June who is sitting right next to me) “Oh, that’s great!” TOM CARPER ENDORSES DL. He must not read us.

Selander is looking at his PDA and looking over here and laughing and pointing. Ha. Either he likes what I am writing on he is mocking us. Probably a little bit of both.

Daniello is so disorganized in running this (he keep saying “where am I, do we break now?) that he really shouldn’t be reelected.

10:46 … Daniello is killing his chances. He is literally losing votes with every word he speaks. He sounds tired, bitter, old, and at the same time, begging for votes. He reminds the audience how long he has been around with every introduction. “I have known Tom since 1972… I have known Ted since 1964” Liberal Geek is in the delegate section and he says that Daniello is not helping his cause with the voters. I can’t see McG, but he must have a big smile on his face.

Meanwhile, Ted Kaufman is a great speaker. Nice, warm, he is not shouting at us. Can we have him run for Senate?

10:41… Carper still on. Shouting, no, screaming at us. He is getting heckled by Wilmington residents who want more money so that Wilmington police officers are not laid off. He is wrapping up now, and Kaufmann is next. Tom Carper says the country does not care if you are liberal or conservative…. uh, yes they do, Tom.

10:31… Now Tom Carper is speaking. And he is speaking literally 100 words a second, like an auctioneer. Slow down TOM!!!

Make sure you follow the comments below. UI and I will be really liveblogging down in the comments, just because it is faster.

Governor Markell is speaking. John Daniello just introduced him, but said he had not written an introduction because he has been too busy. He sounds very worried and tired. Hmmm.

Doors are about to close. I just rode in an elevator with McG, Carney and Sam Lantham. McG seems quiet and nervous. Lt. Gov. Matt Denn is here with his adorable son Zach. Breaking News: Matt Denn hates Hockey. Sacrilege! He dared me to post that. He thinks he will actually gain votes. My nemesis Dana Garrett is here in a full beard. Elliot Jacobson came over to shake my hand. Well, stayed tuned. This could go really quickly and be dull, or not.

Just had a long conversation with Ken Matlusky. Funny story: I worked with his brother years ago when we both were starting out as young lawyers in Wilmington. And his brother was a diehard Republican. Ken said he is the only liberal in his family. We will be featuring his candidacy for state auditor in the coming weeks. So far everyone is just milling around, talking, lobbying, drinking coffee. Doors close at 10 and the convention and fireworks will get under way then.

I had to laugh at the set up here. Jason and I are in the press section, and where we are sitting is even with the podium on the left side. Indeed, we are about 20 yards away from the podium. On the right side of the podium about 50 yards away, yet even with the podium is the Sussex County seats. I just find that funny that the press is closer to the leadership and on the left, and the Sussex districts are on the right and far away.

BREAKING NEWS: Things are being offered for votes, not surprisingly. But how about developer money to run for Representative?

Talked with Jerry Northington, Redwater Lily, Mark Brunswick and others. Unstable Isotope, Bill Dunn, Jason330, Geek are all in the house. I have got my seat at in the press section. Jason just talked some Daniello folks, and they are very confident they have the votes. And that is their strong suit: knowing how to count the votes. Still, I see a lot of McG buttons and stickers. A lot.

It is not McG giving out the bfast. It is the Dems. Hmmm.

A lot of McGlinchey support in the lobby. He is giving out free breakfast to all who want it.

Delaware Dem is in the lobby of the Hotel at Dover Downs awaiting his minions. I am the one with the laptop.

Irony is not the word for what greets you as you walk to the elevators to the Diamond Room, where the convention is being held. You walk through the slots to those elevators, with all the ambient slot machine noise. I find really quite appropriate.

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