A Difference Between the Parties

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009

To designate the seating sections for the various representative districts, counties and subdivisions at the Democratic convention, we had only a piece of paper with the name on it attached to the back of a seat. And that is perfectly fine. I rather my party not waste on fancy signs when it could go to electing Democrats.

Here is what the Republicans had:

Image courtesy of the News Journal

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  1. Art Downs says:

    Those signs are retaned and appear at every convention. Even the delegate badges were collected for re-use after the event?

    What’s wrong with a touch of elegance in conjunction with recycling?

  2. RSmitty says:

    Art’s correct. Those signs are something-years-old, stored away, and used at each convention. My guess is to give it a feel for the national convention format? Just a guess. Don’t see it as a big deal, though, as you may have.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Alright. Didn’t know they were reused.

  4. Joanne Christian says:

    What a giggle. If we had been the ones using the scribbled piece of notebook paper, you would have pointed out the desperation of that item.

    Stick w/ the substantive stuff DD–like pro-choice–it keeps you credible!!!
    And it keeps me loving you!!!!

  5. RSmitty says:

    No sweat, DD. You made a funny. Shake hands, slap faces, move on…but only after I stick my leg out and trip you!!! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk (did Curly win that Three Stooges poll???).

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    Sorry–DD, gave you no time to self-correct!!! Carry on!

  7. We had signs on printer paper. Obviously, those are superior.

  8. Joanne Christian says:

    Well UI–it’s 2009–the GOP may just start using printers this year!!! It’s a whole new world with technology!!!!

  9. It’s all about what’s on the surface. Projecting an image is more important than anything.

    PR and Marketing at the peril of patriotism

  10. jason330 says:

    Did anyone know that Michael Steele has a co-chair? I didn’t. Anyway, the RNC’s co-chair spoke and said that Obama will be unpopular in 2012. That’s a hell of a strategy.

    Michael Castle didn’t even go to the thing and Tom Ross says that the GOP will run someone in every open race, which means that folks like David A and Frank Knotts will be running for something. (Probably Senate and House of Rep.)

    Signs or no signs, what a train wreck. It is hard not to be over confident with these guys on the other side of the isle.

  11. Obama will be unpopular in 2012 – that’s the standard GOP talking point. Protack writes that all the time over here.

  12. Art Downs says:

    did Curly win that Three Stooges poll???).

    Wasn’t that our delegation to Washington?

  13. Art Downs says:

    The video presentation at the GOP Convention was the high point. It was brief and hilarious as well as being on-target.