Help me figure something out

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009

I’m trying to make a list of things that are ok and not ok with the Christian Conservative part of the GOP




Global Warming


Gay marriage

Health Care for all

Public Education






Offshore Corporate Tax Shelters




Privatizing Military

What Else am I missing?

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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    That’s a pretty fair run down. Obviously “Republican Christianity” is on the okay list with it’s counterpart “personal/private morality” on the not okay list.

    Similarly, “Republican adultery” would be Okay while “Other people’s adultery” would fall into the not okay list.

  2. O.K.

    Serial marriage

    Breast implants

    Not O.K.

    Showing off breast implants

  3. pandora says:

    OK – Tax cuts for the rich

  4. anon says:

    Not OK:

    Contraception of any kind
    Community organizing
    Labor unions

  5. anon says:

    OK: Your unwed daughter’s pregnancy

    Not OK: Other people’s unwed daughter’s pregnancy

    (you can continue this template ad nauseum)

  6. Joe says:

    OK: Hundred million dollar bonuses for CEOs and their cronies.

    Not okay: Decent wages for the middle class and union workers.

  7. A Delaware Patriot says:

    Offshore Corporate Tax Shelters
    What do these have to do with Christian doctrine?
    Though each of these policies have value, they are not christian or non-christian.

    Vouchers–I think that allowing children in D. C. and elsewhere to get a safe, quality education for half the cost is definitely an affront.

    Subsidies-All of the complaints for years from conservatives don’t count anyway. After all the big money lobbyists own people in both parties to protect their interests. Hard to blame Christians on that.

    Deregulation–We need more of it. Regulation is what failed us. Sarbanes-Oxley, the best of Fannie MAE and Freddie MAC, tax laws which encourage the dismantling of American industry, the weird priorities of the SEC which keep shareholders at arms length, and a thousand other regulations written by lobbyists to hurt their competition.

    Privatizing Military–Didn’t Clinton cut the military and leave us understaffed which necessitated contractors?

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Privatizing Military–Didn’t Clinton cut the military and leave us understaffed which necessitated contractors?

    Hahahahahaha. Who in Congress wanted to get their bloody peace dividend? What a crock. Mike, I’m glad that you are such an integral part of the Delaware Republican party. 🙂

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Oh wait… Sorry, I have my Republican pseudonyms confused. That was DA, right… I’m losing it.

  10. I love how they repeat Fannie-Freddie-more deregulation, without any data or proof.

  11. Rich Boucher says:

    Catholic Clergy = Ok with Xtian Conservatives.

    Speaking Out Against Pedophile Catholic Clergymen = Not Ok with Xtian Conservatives.


    Pedophilia = Ok with Xtian Conservatives.

  12. Easily the most stupid post you have done in weeks.

    Perhaps you can ask why Obama hates inner city black kids? His twisted policy of stopping educational choice for DC students is racist.

    Christians of all political registration support educational choice, too bad Obama does not except of course when you are filthy rich like Obama you don’t need educational choice.

    Mike Protack

  13. that’s not fair, Ive done plenty of stupid posts.

  14. A Delaware Patriot says:

    Yeah, you are losing it, but I knew that. Keep I use the same email so you can keep it straight. LOL

    I think Mike is being a little harsh, you have done far more stupid posts. At least this one addresses issues. 🙂

  15. David,

    Personally, I think you are a humongous idiot it and no matter what attempt you try to make at levity after seeing what you said in Dover on gay marriage I have lost all respect for you as a human being.

    so spare me the fact that you are trying to be cute and humorous. You are a piece of shit christian hypocrite that I wouldn’t piss on to put out if you were on fire.

  16. cassandra_m says:

    Perhaps you can ask why Obama hates inner city black kids? His twisted policy of stopping educational choice for DC students is racist.

    Everytime I think Protack couldn’t be more of an idiot he finds a new depth. Vouchers weren’t especially good policy in the first place. Just some GOP optics thing to pretend that you’ve got a choice program going on, AND — for everyone who is pretending that these few kids are not being served by suspending these vouchers, where the hell are you on all of the rest of the kids who are not served by the whole damn system? Every kid should have the opportunity at the kind of educations that these vouchers can buy, but you don’t speak to or rail against that. Just howling that the bone your party decided to throw these few is being suspended (which it isn’t, not for the current crop anyway). Hypocrites.