State Branding QOD

Filed in National by on May 17, 2009

Why does Maryland have it’s own font (Garamond #5) but Delaware doesn’t have a font?

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    I am sure that there is a joke in here about wing-dings… Where did I put that joke?

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    The more appropriate question is WHY does Maryland have its own font? What, Times New Roman was too bold?

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    Because we chose dessert first!!!

  4. Delaware has fonts of misinformation.

    Celia Cohen comes to mind.

  5. Speaking of misinformation – did anyone read the NJ’s account of the Democratic convention?

    Here’s the news account–>Link

    I love the part about the “so-called progressive wing.” Does that mean KWS and Tom Gordon belong to the progressive wing?

    I also found this. Did Delaware Watch go mainstream?

    Here’s what Dana’s reporting for the straw poll. I have to say, these numbers don’t look right. For one, there’s not enough. For another, it didn’t look that evenly split.

    Daniello believes he had a “strong showing?” Here are the straw poll results:

    * Daniello 163 votes
    * McGlinchey 118 votes
    * Undecided 30 votes

  6. jason330 says:

    That was weak reporting from Miller. He is usually better than that.

  7. Susan Regis Collins says:

    I sat beside him during the so-called convention.

    We disscussed the Preakness. From what I could gather the guy likes the ponies….it was the only animation I saw in him the entire morning.

    He must have been as bored as the rest of us. 😉