They Are The GOP

Filed in Delaware by on May 17, 2009

Below is a photo from a workshop at the Delaware GOP Convention yesterday on how to rebuild the GOP. Do you notice any similarities between this photo and the Republican National Convention this past summer? Click on the image below to see a larger version of it.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (11)

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  1. I spy a black guy

    wait no

    I spy a 20 something person

    wait no

    I spy 3x loser

  2. There were plenty of blacks there. They were just blocked out of the picture by the taller, genetically-superior, Greenville crowd.

    Inbreeding will do that for you.

  3. PI says:

    I’m not sure but it looks like the two women in the front row just finished picking their noses and were admiring the catch!

  4. It sure doesn’t look like that many people!

  5. RSmitty says:

    The national convention was at U of D, too? Missed that one!

    It was a workshop, usually not heavily attended, anyway…except by a certain now-in-the-graces person.

    What’s the photo cred here? I didn’t see it on the news journal.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    Careful… Mark Brunswick and I spoke about the dem convention. He pointed out that outside of the Wilm contingent, there weren’t many people of color.

  7. LG, there also wasn’t that many young people at the Dem convention.

    Is anyone else disappointed that Protack isn’t GOP Vice Chair? He’s written so many delightful things here.

  8. I would kill for that much turnout at an LP event.

  9. Bluehen Whisperer says:

    Old, fat, white.

  10. nemski says:

    the photo was from twitter, not the NJ

  11. Brian, alcohol. I’m sure that would work.