Jesus….do these nutjobs never get censored at the News Journal
First, Rep. John Kowalko proposes tripling our taxes with a single payer/player health scheme, and now he thinks that taxpayers need to sacrifice more to pay for years of older spending.
Kowalko proposes massive increases in the gas tax and personal income tax, just so that you don’t have a job to pay those business and corporate taxes. The man is a walking job killer and a threat to the economic well-being of Delawareans.
His protect-government-at-all-costs proposals ignore the fact that state spending increased under Democratic rule with few checks. Efficiency and prioritization were not important factors. We ignored reforms in Medicaid, education, employee benefits, corrections and other areas. Now the Blue Hens have come home to roost.
Rep. John “the taxpayer mugger” Kowalko’s solution is to feather their roost with what little money you have left.
David Anderson, Dover