Donviti Interview Tip #28

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009

Do NOT attempt to pop any pimples < 12 hours out

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hiding in the open

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  1. anonone says:

    No wonder that chick said you were trying too hard.

  2. Every rule has its exception, and so does this one.

    If you apply for a job at Jack-In-the-Box, the rule is “Do Not Attempt to Pop any Pimples at All”.

    Until, of course, you get hired.

    How does ‘bulo know this? Well, there was a time when the Beast Who Slumbers, rather than slumbering, was affected with a malady known as ‘the munchies’. This malady generally occurred on evenings taken up with drinking beer, watching TV and one more vice associated with Meheeco.

    His appetite at full-song at 2 am, he found his foraging largely limited to dumpsters and…Jack-In-the-Box. When he ‘talked to Jack’, ordered that Jumbo Jack w/Cheese and the Onion Rings, his senses were wide awake.

    Which is how he noticed how the pock-marked complexions of each and every Jack-In-the Box employee were somehow mysteriously linked to, you guessed it, the “Secret Sauce”. Its piquancy and saltiness is a delicacy that El Somnambulo remembers fondly to this day.

  3. Nothing like having a big red mark on your face to impress. I think having a small scab is probably worse than having a pimple.