Delaware Liberal

Question(s) of the Day

Why is the press focusing more on what Nancy Pelosi might or might not have been briefed on than on what war criminals Cheney, Bush, and their malodorous malefactors might or might not have done when it comes to torture?

And, what will it take for the press to focus on what now appear to be war crimes carried out at the highest level of the United States government? Crimes that dwarf anything that happened during Watergate, where there were no casualties born out of a military conflict initiated under false pretenses. Crimes that dwarf any other crimes committed by government officials in this country’s history.

In the past week, the link between Cheney, torture, and the desperate attempt to find some link, regardless of how tenuous, to Iraq, has been firmly established. Former military and civilian officials have begun to fill in all the blanks. Yet, you can turn on CNN, and what passes for the press is chasing something about Pelosi that both Newt and the CIA threw out there. After all, what ulterior motives could they possibly have?

Seriously, the Beast Who Slumbers knows that DL is visited by current and former journalists, and that some of them comment here. 

He asks them, and everyone else, what can be done to give this story the context it deserves, and what role will the press play to help wash these stains off of our country’s tarnished reputation?

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