Delaware Liberal

Attention, You’se Rat Bastids at Comcast…

Uh, has anyone checked out their Comcast channels today? If you have digital cable on all your sets, you will not be affected.

However, if you don’t have the digital cable or, in the case of Casa di Somnambulo, you have the big screen in the living room with the digital cable, and the other TV’s, the one in the master bedroom and the other in the sun room without, you will discover, to your bleeping chagrin, that two channels have been removed from the general tier. 

Guess which two?

Well, if you guessed Turner Classic Movies (!!) and, get ready for it, MSNBC(!!!!!), you’d be correctamundo. Not Fixed Noise, Not the Jewelry Ripoff Network, not the stock shills at CNBC, but MSNBC.

BTW, this has nothing to do with the upcoming digital switch that they’ve been promoting since the Eisenhower Years. This is a Comcast ripoff, pure and simple. Seriously, Obama needs to sic the FCC on this right away. Maybe ‘Democratic’ lobbyist Rhett Ruggerio can help. Maybe  Pa. Gov. Fast Eddie Rendell (D-Comcast) can help. But, this is nothing more than robbery.

After all, you can get your favorite stations back if you get converter boxes on the other sets. Of course, that costs you extra every month for each bleeping box! 

And, of course, sending MSNBC to the cable equivalent of Siberia has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that it is the only network, other than the Comedy Channel, which even permits something approaching a liberal perspective to have a public voice.

In the final one-finger salute, at the location previously occupied by MSNBC, you get the blank screen (save for the 800 number to call to talk to someone from India) and insipid country music. 

Yep, “God Bless the USA”, a customer service rep from Brahmaputra, and the ultimate ripoff from Comcast. What could be more American than that?

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