Michael Steele Threatens to Pull a Thurman Adams

Filed in National by on May 19, 2009

Suggests he’ll quit if he is forced to serve merely as a figurehead.

“Yo, yo, yo, Mr. Hip-Hop Nation

Whitey took your checkbook

much to your consternation

Your shooting from the lip

will be your ruination

So keep your piehole zipped

and let Rush do the oration.”

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  1. That would be a tragedy! I love Michael Steele!

  2. nemski says:

    Yeah, he’ll quit like jason330, burris and matthews quit blogging. 😉

  3. edisonkitty says:

    Word up.

  4. Steele is doing a great job as chair except that he isn’t filling enough pockets of people who are used to living off our donations. I am confident the majority won’t go along with these sore losers.

    Fundraising is up. GOP generic polling is up. The Chairman is the most recognizable chairman by the public in decades. There is an excitement in the party. The off year elections look great. The man of Steele won’t be pushed around.

  5. jason330 says:

    That seals it.



  6. Geezer says:

    Oh. My. God.

    Somebody call 911 and send an ambulance to David’s home. I fear he’s reached the level of stupidity where he can’t breathe on his own.

  7. Jason Z says:

    Steele seems like a nice guy, but the party needs a strong leader.

  8. mike hunt says:

    WOW…the GOP is now drinking the cool aid….and wasn’t Tom Ross a big supporter of Steele…uh oh….