Filed in National by on May 19, 2009

Is Dick Cheney more worried about his legacy than the country’s safety?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Frankly, I have no idea what Cheney wants. He’s not doing a good job with either.

  2. Jason Z says:

    I think he’s largely afraid of the possible prosecution of good people who were doing their job to protect the country. If it was about legacy or self preservation, he’d do better to clam up. He sincerely believes that the actions the Bush Administration took helped to keep this country safe. He hopes that he can help promote the continuation of many of those policies. With Gitmo’s closure now in question, military tribunals back on the table, and the anti-CIA Dems on the run(or at least on the squirm) I’d say he’s doing a pretty good job.
    Is it a coincidence that he does a media blitz the same week all these things fall out?

  3. Von Cracker says:

    How can we take anything you say seriously, Jason Z, if you use terms like “anti-CIA Dems”?

    So let me understand, if you point out something wrong about any group then you’re “anti” that particular group. Um, ok.

    And Cheney, eff him. The only thing he cares about right now is the state of his prostate.

    So it goes: Prostate, Personal Holdings, Party, Country.