Delaware Liberal

Republicans Lose Another One

Kilroy is now a Democrat.  Gird your loins… and your spell-checker!

Humor aside, here’s another example of Republicans losing a moderate voice.  Kilroy’s own words

Dear Maria Evans what the hell should I do? Is the party so fractured that I must decide to remain a Republicans or not? It kinds of sucks that people in the party I really like line up with the far right and put their backs to me. Fat head down state a promising leader in my eyes (if he gets his head out of his ass) claims to be right of center but I think its all bull. It’s a fucking shame that we have good young people have so much potential but are being used as party toy soldiers. Dam right I am a radical and admired Ragan and Bill Roth. Shit I even thought Pete DuPont was one of the best governor Delaware ever had.
We’ll its oblivious the Republican Party I signed onto 25 years ago switching from a registered Independent isn’t the same one.

And in closing…

Serious this is a very hard move for me but it’s obvious the GOP I joined is dead. The democrats like Bob Gilligan I trashed the shit out of and even Matt Denn have looked pass all of that and know I have passion for the issues. Kowalko is another whom I had some very meaningful E-mail exchanges. When you foes are more forgiving then your friends it must be a signal for change. Lamb chop I did make an effort and reached out. Thanks for your support!

Welcome, Kilroy.  And, yes, the Republican Party will miss you when you’re gone – all 6 of them!

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