Republicans Lose Another One

Filed in Delaware by on May 19, 2009

Kilroy is now a Democrat.  Gird your loins… and your spell-checker!

Humor aside, here’s another example of Republicans losing a moderate voice.  Kilroy’s own words

Dear Maria Evans what the hell should I do? Is the party so fractured that I must decide to remain a Republicans or not? It kinds of sucks that people in the party I really like line up with the far right and put their backs to me. Fat head down state a promising leader in my eyes (if he gets his head out of his ass) claims to be right of center but I think its all bull. It’s a fucking shame that we have good young people have so much potential but are being used as party toy soldiers. Dam right I am a radical and admired Ragan and Bill Roth. Shit I even thought Pete DuPont was one of the best governor Delaware ever had.
We’ll its oblivious the Republican Party I signed onto 25 years ago switching from a registered Independent isn’t the same one.

And in closing…

Serious this is a very hard move for me but it’s obvious the GOP I joined is dead. The democrats like Bob Gilligan I trashed the shit out of and even Matt Denn have looked pass all of that and know I have passion for the issues. Kowalko is another whom I had some very meaningful E-mail exchanges. When you foes are more forgiving then your friends it must be a signal for change. Lamb chop I did make an effort and reached out. Thanks for your support!

Welcome, Kilroy.  And, yes, the Republican Party will miss you when you’re gone – all 6 of them!


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (29)

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  1. nemski says:

    Welcome Kilroy. Now that you have crossed the line, it’s time to let you in on some secrets. You’ll find out where Jimmy Hoffa is buried as well as get photos of the alien from Area 51. There’s more, but I don’t want to spoil it for you. Have fun.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    The dictionary and browser spellchecker are also in the mail.

  3. jason330 says:

    Let me speak o behalf of all the wingnut posters who stopped coming here and say, “GOOD RIDDANCE! Take your tax hiking, affirmative action-loving self and jump in a lake. “

  4. Welcome to the Big Tent, Kilroy. I’m sorry for the loss of your party.

  5. Before he can be embraced into the Democratic fold, Kilroy must first answer a question chosen completely at random by a computer at liberal-leaning MIT.

    Kilroy, please answer the following for our panel of judges:

    Define the term ‘effete metrosexual’.

    You have 30 seconds.

  6. kilroy should jump over to that awesome new sight Frank Knotts has. The are simpatico mucho

  7. Jason Z says:

    Wow, that is one of the ugliest blogs I’ve ever seen. I don’t even understand what he’s saying, it hurts my English-thinking brain.

  8. kavips says:

    Maria Evans and Dave Burris are next.

  9. Kilroy says:

    El Somnambulo
    “Define the term ‘effete metrosexual’.”

    Not sure and certainly afraid to say educate me! I’ll take a wild guess, a guy who buys lemon water ice and plays his numbers at Fusco’s water ice on Union Street then walks down to Walter’s for a nice rack of lamb? LOL

    I was able to get into the GOP computer on Lancaster Ave and found personal and confidential information by going to the DOS feature in Windows Explore by typing in C: Del *.* and answer yes to all. A blue screen pops up and a list of key member’s names with personal information such as bank account numbers is revealed.

  10. anonone says:

    Maria Evans and Dave Burris are next

    My money is on Old Gum being next.

  11. ‘Bulo doubts that an effete metrosexual is playing the numbers at Fusco’s, but he could be wrong.

    ‘Effete metrosexual’ says ‘fine wine’ to the Epicure Who Slumbers, and tonight ‘bulo will opt for a ‘Garnacha’ (grenache grapes) from the Borsao region of Spain.

    He expects great hilarity, coupled with ‘concentrated flavors of blackberries, strawberries and nuances of leather, vanilla, and plums’ to ensue.

    DV, do you approve?

  12. RSmitty says:

    My money is on Old Gum being next.

    Hey, steaksauce! ‘Sup?

  13. anonone says:

    You are ‘sup next, Old Gum!

  14. pandora says:

    Smitty, you know I love you, but… I can’t keep making you the exception – because, um, you don’t prove the rule. Can I just make a winky face and be done with it?

  15. John Brady says:

    Welcome Friend

    Joanne- Come on over-the water is fine.

  16. Kilroy is first rate guy and his expertise on education policy and law is top notch.

    Some people leave the party by choice and some are driven out. I am sorry to see kilroy go.

    edited by UI to remove personal information

    Mike Protack

  17. John Doe says:

    Did Smitty ever switch? or his he a switch hitter?

  18. Kilroy says:

    Mike Protack
    “Some people leave the party by choice and some are driven out. I am sorry to see kilroy go.”

    Mike, I have a job to do that impacts hard working families whom many are Democrats. I doubt very much the parents of high poverty students in Red Clay are Republicans. But do make note there are Republican legislators who work with me on these issues. I have a good blend of Republican and Democrat values but the Delaware GOP has drifted out to sea. I have work to do and will use the relationship with with good people from both sides to get it done.

    I’ve trashed Gilligan and Denn but yet both are more concern with working together to address the concerns.

    Put it this way, I don’t have a big Republican wallet just a big mouth and both will get you action.

    I just hope those younger Republicans that are wrapped in the GOP flag realize they need to take it off and wrap themsleves in the American flag that represents all Americans, Democrats and Republicans.

    “edited by UI to remove personal information”

    If he mentioned my real name John Allison that’s ok but if he called me asshole thank you for removing it. LOL

  19. kilroy,

    It’s o.k. to “out” yourself but not good form to out someone else, even if their name is generally known.

  20. Kilroy says:

    Unstable Isotope

    “It’s o.k. to “out” yourself but not good form to out someone else, even if their name is generally known.”

    Thank you for your concern and protection.

  21. Joanne Christian says:

    See you around Kilroy–you know I’m the unafilliated Republican around here. Raise up some good Democrats like my mother did–but don’t let ’em run the joint like some political mafia–or else they rebel, lose hope in the vision and work, then ask for more accountablity and become Republican. I’d stick with the progressives if I were you. Wish I’d met them when I moved back 15 years ago. Best of luck–sorry me and Smitty weren’t enough company for you. But we’ll always have Title 14 to keep us together!!!

  22. RSmitty says:

    Did Smitty ever switch? or his he a switch hitter?

    Ooogah!!! (said in the old, terrestial-radio Howard Stern way)

    That cleverness could have only come from one person, but I swung-and-missed (keeping up on the theme there) on the nomination-from-the-floor rumor (as told to me by a die-hard supporter of his and a non-supporter), so I have to leave open that sliver that it wasn’t him.

  23. RSmitty says:

    Ah, Joanne. Yes, the independent-Repubs we are, for sure.

    You know, I saw TAB in the M-town ACME the other day and, of course, it made me think of you and I couldn’t help but to laugh a little. My wife wondered why soda made me laugh (sort of like someone conversing with old gum on the bottom of their shoe), so I said, “I know someone from politics that is a die-hard Tab-lover (does that make you a “Tabbie”).” Her reply: “Oh, that woman we met at that blogger ball thing?” Dude, you’re famous (for your TAB)!!!

  24. Joanne Christian says:

    WHAATTT? Product at Acme? Don’t mess w/ me Smitty. Seriously, from time to time it appears there. I couldn’t count on the erratic supply. My private stock has brought me great comfort. Probably akin to your Tennessee mash!

  25. Kilroy says:

    Joanne Christian
    “Best of luck–sorry me and Smitty weren’t enough company for you. But we’ll always have Title 14 to keep us together!!!”

    There you go, your extreme-right Republican 🙂 is showing through. It’s the party and deep-seeded misguided leadership I am leaving. There are some fine elected Republicans in office who know the importance of working together. I have a job to do which is bigger than both parties but obviously the Delaware Democrats are closer to the heartbeat of the middleclass and the poor.

    Joanne Christian
    “unafilliated Republican”


    unaffiliated / independent Republicans are not true Republicans because they can’t commit 100% of their soul. There are too many fractures within and no strong leaders who can recognize the needs of each fracture and no one to put the pieces back together.
    Sooner or later a ship without a rudder will run aground.

    Not only Title 14 will keep us together but knowing each of us has a mission to serve the needs of the community will bond us.

    OMG Tab! Do you know about the chemicals in that stuff?

  26. RSmitty says:

    OMG Tab! Do you know about the chemicals in that stuff?

    Shhh, Kilroy! Let her hold onto something, for crying out loud! 😛

    WHAATTT? Product at Acme? Don’t mess w/ me Smitty. Seriously, from time to time it appears there.
    Honest, it made me laugh when I saw it, because all I could think is the only reason they have it is because YOU probably special ordered it…and they probably tired of “that crazy lady always making us get Tab…just stock the darn thing already!!!”

    Is it true (I know you know this answer) that you can only get it from their Baltimore distribution center in this region?

  27. Joanne Christian says:

    YES–Philadelphia has discontinued providing this basic element of service for their loyal customers. But of course, you won’t read about that in the papers!

  28. RSmitty says:

    That’s funny, because I think our area is part of the Philly distribution, so ACME literally has to special-order it and a teeny little order is delivered from Baltimore. *snork* Man, next time I want them to carry something, I’m having you make that call!