“This Change Comes In A Teabag!”

Filed in National by on May 19, 2009

Michael Steele gave a speech at the RNC meeting today. (Full text available at this link.)

Some excerpts…

The era of apologizing for Republican mistakes of the past is now officially over. It is done. The time for trying to fix or focus on the past has ended. The era of Republican navel gazing is over. We have turned the corner on regret, recrimination, self-pity and self-doubt. Now is the hour to focus all of our energies on winning the future.

I must have missed that era. Was that somewhere between the Decider era and the Most Pure Republican era? I’m sorry I missed it, though, it sounds like a lot of fun.

The third turning point is this: The Republican comeback has begun. It is underway, and it is not in Washington.

I may not know much, but I do know that our comeback is well underway in states all across America.

Tell me more, I’m fascinated.

This change comes in a tea bag!

*Snort* *giggle* *titter*


Oh Michael Steele, I love you so.

About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (12)

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  1. jason330 says:

    The era of apologizing for Republican mistakes of the past…

    Man I missed that era. I must have blinked.

  2. The era which is at our door step is one of huge deficits, huge unemployment, huge tax increases and huge foreign policy failures.

    The GOP will have to offer issues and ideas but the train wreck called the Obama/Biden/Pelosi/Reid is going to help a lot.

    Locally, the budget deficit, the state employee mess, the job losses and underperforming schools is a 100% Dem affair.

    I blinked because I am laughing so hard at the Democrats. A self imposed and self controlled crash is imminent.

    Obama is going to be sorry Biden gave up the undisclosed location, he is going to need it.
    Mike Protack

  3. anonone says:

    The era of apologizing for Republican mistakes of the past is now officially over.

    Translation: The age of criticizing Rush Limbaugh is over.

  4. Yes, Mike, we can thank Bush and the Republican Congress for that.

  5. MJ says:

    Protack, Marion Barry called and wants you to stop bogarting the crack pipe.

  6. cassandra m says:

    That may be the Post of the Week.

    You owe me a new keyboard, MJ.

  7. ZAU Sector 5 says:

    Tower to Protack time for your psychological evaluation. Please descend to 12,ooo feet and shutdown engines 1,2,3,4.


  8. Geezer says:

    Oh, Mike. Every one of your ideas is a laughable one, sadly incapable of dealing with any of the facets of the current mess you so accurately describe but so inaccurately attribute.

  9. nemski says:

    This guy — Michael Steele — was the best to lead the Republican Party?


    Is Ashton Kutcher around? ‘Cause I’m thinking we’re being Punk’d.

  10. Isn’t that the crazy thing, nemski? The runner-up was the guy who belonged to an all-white county club and sent a CD with the song “Barack the Magic Negro” to his buddies.

  11. RSmitty says:

    Just as a term on Wall St describes when a down market experiences a quick uptick via the symbolism of a feline falling a distance more than is survivable, so will the results in 2010 be for the GOP, provided the vacuum of leadership continues on its course.

    Yes, my friends, I do believe there will be some give-back of seats from D to R in 2010, but in current day status quo, I can hardly see that as a turn of the corner, but rather as the ever-popular term among security traders in the midst of a bear market: call it a dead cat bounce.

    It bothers me that the message really has not changed (seriously, it hasn’t) and that is why expecting cheerleaders out of members pisses me off.

  12. James P. McCampbell says:

    “This change comes in a Teabag” What the heck?!! That statement only makes sense if he has decided to play the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. If the chairman keeps up this whirlwind pace of making nonsensical comments, GOP members will start yelling for him to “change places!!”