No Wonder Miss California Hates ‘the Gays’

Filed in National by on May 20, 2009

Turns out that her ‘Christian’ faith may be the only thing keeping her on the home team. 

According the award-winning LGBT website Towle Road, quoting from the Star magazine, which likely hasn’t won any awards, Carrie Prejean’s mother is gay, and her dad just may be as well.

Here, Star Magazine tells it as only Star Magazine can tell it:

Beauty queen Carrie Prejean has become the poster girl for opponents of gay marriage. But in a shocking exclusive, Star has learned that the reigning Miss California USA’s own mother, Francine Coppola, was entangled in a steamy lesbian love affair right up until the night Carrie placed second in the Miss USA contest!

For the record, El Somnambulo prefers “steamy lesbian love affairs” to “tepid lesbian love affairs”, and he admires Star Magazine’s excessive use of exclamation points!!

And, that’s not all!!

Both Mr. and Mrs. Prejean may be gay! Read this! From TMZ:

In one of the docs, Carrie’s dad describes a confrontation he had with her mom in 1996, in which he recounts an argument in a restaurant parking lot, where “Ms. Prejean accused me, in front of our daughter, of homosexuality.”

The papers also quote a court-appointed doctor who said “The mother questioned [within hearing of the girls] whether [her father] was a homosexual or had a homosexual roommate.”

Also in the docs — a handwritten letter from Carrie’s older sister, in which she recounts a weekend stay with her dad: “One time my sister & I went in the hallway of my dad’s apartment, & his roommate’s door was open all the way & we saw [the roommate] in bed with another man. I don’t think it’s right for my sister & I to have to live that way.”

Lucha Libre wrestlers-turned-bloggers are ill-equipped to understand such stories, what with their hot-blooded Latin temperaments. So, El Somnambulo now calls on the collective wisdom of his readers to explain the Freudian implications of this story.

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  1. I can only imagine she could be more than the normal amount of homophobic if she believed that her parents divorced because of homosexuality. Of course, I would say they probably married because of homophobia, but who can say.

    This story just brings me back to the judgment issue. Did she think about continuing to thrust herself in the spotlight (signing up with NOM) would only have good effects on her career? I can’t decide whether she just wants to be famous or whether she has deeply-held beliefs.

  2. Joanne Christian says:

    I told you there was sumpin’ funny about the jaw line and hands….

  3. jason330 says:

    It must have been a miraculous conception because the odds against a gay guy and a lesbian having a child have to be about a million to one.

  4. anon says:

    According the award-winning LGBT website Towle Road, quoting from the Star magazine,

    ‘Bulo is an eclectic reader.

  5. Dave M. says:

    Reminds me of a recent homophobic state senator who was rumored to have a gay dad he was very embarassed of.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    I will cut slack here and say that I don’t actually care whether her parents are gay, straight, liberal, conservative or illegal aliens. Personally, I am staying away from family and away and from innuendo and rumor-mongering with this woman.

    Too many people with agendas on both sides of this and Carrie Prejean ain’t smart enough to handle the controversy. I’m not sure I could handle this level of scrutiny and I probably have a standard deviation of IQ over Ms. CA.

  7. You make a clear and repeated mistake. Anytime someone disagrees with the entire gay political agenda you automatically ‘hate’ someone or their cause.

    Sad, but you always want tolerance and acceptance but you never practice it.

    Mike Protack

  8. Frank says:

    Frankly, I think Ms. Prejeans 15 minutes of fame should have been over two internet hours ago.

    As my mother would have said, “She is the biggest nothing. Stop wasting your (and our) time.”

  9. Geezer says:

    As usual, Mike Protack can’t even write a simple sentence without inaccuracies.

    So let me get this straight (no pun intended): It’s OK for Republicans to characterize their supposedly religion-based discrimination against homosexuality because they never claimed to be tolerant in the first place?