Delaware Liberal

‘Moderate’ Mike Castle Votes to Investigate Nancy Pelosi

After eight years of idly sitting by while Dubya, Cheney and the Rethugs shredded the Constitution, Mike “I Like Puppies and Kids” Castle has returned to his days as a crusader by voting for an investigation into what the CIA may or may not have said to Nancy Pelosi. The Greenville gentleman hasn’t been this gosh-darn fired-up since he voted to impeach Bill Clinton. For the doubters out there, see for yourself:

So, the next time Celia Cohen tells you just how charming Castle is, and how his bon mots set the Vicmead Hunt Club crowd all atwitter,  tell her that he supports investigations into those who oppose torture, he supports disgraced former speaker Newt Gingrich’s attacks on his successor,  he supported impeaching Bill Clinton, and he continues to  support Rethuglican shredding of the Constitution. 

Let her know that he is the biggest phony in Delaware politics, just edging out her equally-beloved Tom “I Like Puppies and Kids” Carper.

Then tell her that her fluffball valentines masquerading as reporting have aided and abetted their ultimately inconsequential political careers. Then tell her they’ve now gotten what they paid for.

And so has she: the crumbling of what once was her reputation as an honest reporter.

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