UPDATE: I keep forgetting to link to the smoking gun. The actual half-assed RFP that has two closing dates (May 25th and May 26th), does not say what the work is that is being bid out and allows 24 hours between the bids being received and the start of vendor negotiations.
The response from Gould was bullshit and he highlighted the legalese on the bottom to be sure I could never post it without running the risk of sleepless nights waiting for his lawyers to contact me. So I will not post it.
Jacobson, doing state business through his comcast account, does not have legal threats attached to his emails so here is his latest to me:
From: “Elliott Jacobson”
Date: May 21, 2009 10:29:28 PM EDT
To: “‘Jason33”
Subject: RE: RFPWhose water are you carrying?
The man is a master of the ironic turn of phrase isn’t he?
For the record, Elliot, I read that RFP and even to my untrained eye IT REEKED of insider bullshittery. So I’m not doing this to carry water for anyone. I’m doing it because I am getting off on exposing the work of hack douchebags who write crappy RFP’s to channel tax money to their pals. Get it?