We Told You So

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009

Waterboarding is torture, duh.


Conservative shock jock “Mancow” (real name Erich Muller) got waterboarded to see if it was torture.

Listeners had the chance to decide whether Mancow himself or his co-host, Chicago radio personality Pat Cassidy, would undergo the interrogation method during the broadcast. The voters ultimately decided Mancow would be the one donning the soaked towel and shackles, and at about 8:40 a.m., he entered a small storage room next to his studio that was compared to a “dungeon” by Cassidy.

He lasted 7 seconds.

He said this about the experience:

“It is way worse than I thought it would be, and that’s no joke,”Mancow said, likening it to a time when he nearly drowned as a child. “It is such an odd feeling to have water poured down your nose with your head back…It was instantaneous…and I don’t want to say this: absolutely torture.”

“I wanted to prove it wasn’t torture,” Mancow said. “They cut off our heads, we put water on their face…I got voted to do this but I really thought ‘I’m going to laugh this off.’ “

Can we stop calling it “Enhanced Interrogation” now?

About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. So, you will take Pres Obama to task for supporting torture?

    He has continued rendition to other countries, nothing as changed at all.

    Obama sounds self righteous but in the end he is a liar.

    Mike Protack

  2. Yes, Obama has been criticized many times here for continuing some Bush-era policies.

  3. Wake Up says:

    No limbs are broken. No lasting damage (except pride).

    The only thing waterboarding breaks is arrogance and resistance.

  4. nemski says:

    What a bunch of fucking idiots.

  5. anon says:

    the only thing waterboarding does is cause the person to totally shut down. They will tell you anything to make it stop. Obama is a friggin flip flopper. He has actually gone further than Bush, in “prolonged detention”. Preventative detention, meaning we can pick you up, arrest you, cuz we think youre gunna do something.

    The only idiots are those who still believe after 4 months of bullshit, that Obama is making any real change. The House and Senate are filled with neo con dems up to their eyeballs in knowledge of this torture. Thats why they want to look forward not backward, because they too will be caught up in the torture scandals. We only have one party left in this country, its the corporate party….regardless of party affiliation.

  6. So, we should judge ourselves on whether we break bones are not? So anything’s o.k. as long as we don’t behead people, right? Wake Up wants bin Laden to determine our country’s morality.

  7. Delaware Dem says:


    But supporting torture you are not a Christian. Would Jesus torture?

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Perhaps we should take up a collection to get Wake Up to demonstrate that there is little wrong with this. We could give the money to charity. If , of course, Wake Up dares to come out from behind his keyboard and his pseud.

  9. Wake Up says:

    You’ll have to waterboard me to get any information.

  10. Wake Up says:

    UI: “So, we should judge ourselves on whether we break bones are not? So anything’s o.k. as long as we don’t behead people, right? Wake Up wants bin Laden to determine our country’s morality.”

    Whateva yoo do b’rer fox, dawn’t thraw me in that thar’ briar patch…..

    This is why you can never hold power long enough to fulfill your fantasy promises. You believe your own bullshyt!

  11. I love Cassandra.

  12. Wake Up says:

    I thought you loved bin Laden?

  13. Nice strawman you’re whacking at there, Wake Up.

  14. anon says:

    The person believes they are being drowned. It is a mock execution which is illegal under international law. Case closed.

    If you can’t believe a conservative radio host, who can you believe?

  15. cassandra_m says:

    Wake Up is in love with brutalizing people and trying to relive TV fantasies.

  16. Wake Up says:

    we have different definitions of brutal.

    would it make you feel better if we advised every waterboardee that they couldn’t die from the procedure, but it would make them cry like little babies?

  17. Geezer says:

    “would it make you feel better if we advised every waterboardee that they couldn’t die from the procedure, but it would make them cry like little babies?”

    As you so accurately perceive, this isn’t about “interrogation,” it’s about humiliation.

    I understand your feelings of inferiority and lack of masculinity. Please forgive us if we choose not to back a foreign policy based on your psycho-sexual fears.

  18. The only way to fix this bullshit mess is to try them in an international court for war crimes at the Hague. If you can’t do that, then you have no business holding them. Release them.

    It is the only way to come out of this s#!t with any semblance of dignity.

    Next time, shoot on sight and don’t take prisoners. Much easier that way.

    “But, but but.. I’m afraid of what they will do. These are bad people. We can’t release terrorists!”

    Oh well. Tough s#!t, what are you going to do, hold them forever until they die of natural causes?

    Someone has to man up, come up with some evidence, or release them. What else are you going to do? Kill them? Become the enemy? Kill bad people with no evidence just because we think they might do harm?

    I think if someone held me for 3-8 years on bulls#!t charges, waterboarded me, stored me in extreme temperature conditions, played loud music in my ear for days on end… I very well might hate the country that sponsored that, even if I wasn’t a terrorist to begin with. You pretty much gave me every reason to become one.

    So now, instead of a highly trained and tightly controlled military, you are going to transfer me to a federal prison where some underpayed, overworked prison guard will be judge and jury and beat me up endlessly while the powers that be turn their heads.

    Oh yeah, that seems like a much better option. Just kill me now. Get it over with. if I didn’t tell you everything you wanted to know, or even made it up by now, I’ll be looking for ways to kill myself by now. What else would I have to lose? There is nothing left other than revenge if you release me.

  19. Susan Regis Collins says:

    While we are on our way to the Hague with the so-called terrorists we must’nt forget to pass thru Wako and scoop up some Bushies….the world would be relieved to see the true culprits in all this get their punishment meted out by a court of law.

  20. torture doesn’t get you the answers you need. it gets you the answers you want