‘Bulo’s Music For the Masses: ‘Only One Way to Kick Off Summer’ Edition

Filed in National by on May 23, 2009

The Beach Boys. Brian Wilson. And Teenage Symphonies to God.


‘Keep An Eye On Summer’


‘Wouldn’t It Be Nice’


‘Little Deuce Coupe’


‘Warmth of the Sun’




‘I Just Wasn’t Made for These Times’ 


‘God Only Knows’


‘The Girls On the Beach’


‘All Summer Long’

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  1. Joanne Christian says:

    Bulo did just fine with his picks. Connie Francis should be along anytime now.

  2. Al Mascitti says:

    Jason: If you want to hear part of that song sung by its subject, look for the double live album of Brian Wilson live at the Roxy, backed up by the Wondermints. They do a snippet of “Brian Wilson,” and afterwards he admits he only did it because his wife suggested it to him. Sounds great with those Wondermint harmonies, though.