Jesus Okay With Torture???

Filed in National by on May 24, 2009

Via Balloon Juice:

Courtesy of Red State:

It’s likely even Jesus would have OK’d water boarding if it would have saved his Mom. He would’ve done the same to save his Dad, or any one of His disciples. For that matter, He even died to save all humans.It’s obvious He would not be happy with those who voted for the candidate who kills because it’s above his “pay grade” to know if they’re alive. Checking the Commandments, killing innocents is against the 5th. Because pro-aborts don’t know for sure life does not exist at conception, they are still willing to risk that it’s not killing.

Come on, you knew it was only a matter of time.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. jason330 says:

    How can anyone read past the first line with a straight face? This is “The Onion” right?

  2. anon says:

    He was OK with crucifixion, so what’s a little water?

    I’m just glad we don’t have to wear little waterboards around our necks.

  3. He didn’t really mean all that “turn the other cheek” stuff or that “the meek shall inherit the earth.”

    WWJT? Who Would Jesus Torture?

  4. cassandra_m says:

    WWJT is an interesting question — Jesus has the Devil to take on the tasks or torture, right?

    So what does that make our bedwetting wingnut proponents of torture?

  5. After reading the above post , I think Morley Safer is right.

    “— CBS News veteran Morley Safer says he trusts citizen journalism as much as he would trust citizen surgery.

    The “60 Minutes” correspondent was honored by Quinnipiac University Wednesday with an award named for one of Safer’s old bosses, Fred Friendly. He accepted it with a warning that the business problems of newspapers threaten all of journalism, and the public’s precarious right to know.

    Safer said good journalism needs structure and responsibility. He considers the blogosphere no alternative, saying it is crammed with the ravings and manipulations of every nut with a keyboard.”

    Mike Protack

  6. Frieda Beryhill says:

    ” every nut with a keyboard.”…LMAO

  7. What did Morley Safer say about nuts with routers?

    Safer, is he the one who did the “On the Road” series and had a woman in every port, so to speak?

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    Did David Anderson write this?

    Whomever did missed the whole point of his crucifixion. Jesus, the Son of God, chose to die for our sins. Yeah, He could have very easily gotten out of the death sentence, what with being the all powerful Son of God. But He chose the sacrifice himself.

    The correct analogy then would be if the tortured chose to be tortured for the greater good. Indeed, in this analogy, we are the Romans, and Jesus is the suspect/enemy combatant.