Filed in National by on May 24, 2009

Is Karl Rove and the rest of the GOP dumping Powell because he is black?

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hiding in the open

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  1. That’s an interesting question.

    My first reaction is no, since they’re dumping pretty much everyone who doesn’t pass their purity test. However, Limbaugh did say that Powell supported Obama because of race.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Nah. Being black doesn’t help, but his moderate and independent credentials are what really gets him in trouble with the radically pure.

  3. Stealth Progressive says:

    I’m wondering if Powell has ever been invited to Vicmead? I’m betting not.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    Doubt it since the son of Buckley has been shunned.


  5. Tom,

    not weak. A question and a serious one from me. I’m asking the question because I’m curious what people think and it came to mind.

    Weak was your answer. But I’ve come to expect that of you.

  6. Tom S. says:

    Honky please, this question is a joke. Colin Powell was just as black when we loved him and made him secretary of state. Now that we hate him (because he is a traitor) you want his race to be relevant. You want people to think this is about race because it would benefit you.

  7. nemski says:

    I <3 Donviti

  8. Joanne Christian says:

    Does Powell really care? Ike’s gone, who’s left to look up to?

  9. Now that we hate him (because he is a traitor)

    do as your told boy. Serve your master. Party first country 3rd or 5th or somewhere back there. Typical.

    Oh and I didn’t think real catholics hate? Always thought that was something the devil did and if we catholics hated it made us no better than him. Guess that was something you missed in school. Weird how I retained that up from a nun in fourth grade.

    Say a few HM’s for me Tommy. All will be forgiven.

  10. Tom S. says:

    “do as your told boy. Serve your master. Party first country 3rd or 5th or somewhere back there. Typical. ”

    That’s cute, from a man who takes his talking points from adrianna huffington and bill maher. You know that disowning Powell has nothing to do with race and now you’re reaching.

    “Oh and I didn’t think real catholics hate?”

    And and I thought that adults understood figures of speech, but there you have it….

  11. Von Cracker says:

    Traitor? WTF?!?!

    If you’re serious, you’re an idiot. Really.

  12. Tom S. says:

    “Traitor? WTF?!?!”

    You honestly cannot see why he would be viewed as a traitor to the Republican party?

  13. RickJ19958 says:

    Powell is finding out what Joe Lieberman found out – when you endorse the Presidential candidate from the opposition party, ideologues will vociferously question your motives and credentials.

  14. Powell is misinformed.

    When Afghanistan crumbles, Iran has nukes and N Korea fires a nuclear weapon during Obama’s watch he will have to admit he was wrong, very wrong.

    Mike Protack

  15. liberalgeek says:

    RickJ – Welcome back.

    Mike – You should quit politics and open a fortune teller shop.

  16. Frieda Beryhill says:

    Colin Powell found his soul, albeit too late. Now they are afraid that he might REALLY start talking.