Delaware Liberal

Happy Memorial Day 2009

As the resident veteran at DL I can say that I have the authority and the right to speak my mind and add an educated veteran opinion that none of our other DL writers and to be honest many other Delaware blogger can (carpetbagger’s notwithstanding of course).  Sure we have the holy rollers that feel they are part of God’s Army and the other chubby shirt stretching Republicans that get all chubby in the pants when they watch “Saving Private Ryan” and “Band of Brothers”.  We even use to have some schlep named Politakid that went to Charter school and was championing the Iraq War but when it came time to man up….he had to to go college because well, the military was essentially a choice for the unfortunate.  I digress though.

There is always going to be that contingent of loud mouths out there that watch a few movies and have been in a few fisticuffs and feel that they too are now soldiers and sailors and can speak for the lot of those that have served.   The dipshits over at the former internet radio site.  The Angry Spanish Teaching Comic Book Reading Battle Star Galactica (spelled wrong?  who gives a shit) petulant name calling nimrods or the Jesus loving Anti Abortion Nuclear War loving strident Catholics.  I love you guys.  Really, I understand what it must be like for you to rent a movie and turn the volume up really loud to feel like you are part of the action.

Man when CNN is on and they are talking about the payload of a weapon and how fast the Stealth bomber can fly I know you guys think it is just awesome and are proud to be a United States citizen.  Wheeeeee how cool!  hooorahhhh, I saw a movie with Navy Seals and then went to the gym and squeezed out 11 reps instead of my normal 9.  AWESOME!  Wooohoooo.

Gooooooooooo…..Let’s Roll!

Maverick, Ice, What’s your position?  I’m in quadrant four!  I’m hit!  I’M HIT!!!!!


Full Metal Jacket was awesome!  Did you see Platoon?  Dude?  How about “Apocalypse Now”?

The horror…






I’ll be back

Asta la vista Baby

Cover Me


He’s locked on!


Golllllllllleeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy Sgt Carter.   Shaaaaazaaaaaammmmmm


I love the beer muscles of the squirelly little fucks on FOX and CNN that get to armchair QB the war and the military.   Blown off limb!?  Fuck that!  You are a war hero son.  Hoooraaaaaahhhhh!   You know they have never served and have no idea what it was like.  That’s ok to them.  They are with us in spirit and for the grace of God if it weren’t for Wolf Blitzer and Sean Hannity, I wouldn’t have made it through Great Lakes.  Boy, I bet those guys can really imagine what is was like to serve.  So therefore, they are our comrades.  Mi foxhole, su foxhole.   They speak for us.  They get a television and radio show and get all hard in the pants when callers and guests say, “you are a great American”.  As if being a DJ is some sort of worthy cause.  Grrrrr.  I talk the talk and…welll….errrrr ergo that means I talk the talk… I defend the soldiers and their right to kill.  So, by default I too am one of them and by default have the right to criticize those that criticize other veterans.

Colin Powell…shit bag.

Dick Cheney, deferment x3…Patriot


Military records for the state guard go missing….warrior

Served in Vietnam got injured came back and spoke directly to congress and senate….PUSSY

hooooraaaaahhhhhh.  I cut brush with a chainsaw!  Grrrrrrrr.  Serve me.  Die for me….I am one of you.  Semper Fi!  Where’s my pile of rubble and a megaphone.

(is this thing on?)  Achtung!  Achtung!


ohhhh and

Hoorah.  (Inset Department store announcement garbled marble mouth voice)  “Attention Walmart Shoppers, Aisle five has yellow ribbon magnets 3 for $5! Buy a “These colors don’t run” bumper sticker combined with any camouflage beer huggie and you get a live strong bracelet free!”

Congrats you are now a patriot, Capitalist style!

So to you that have fallen over the history of our nation I salute you…actually, fuck that.  I don’t salute anyone anymore.  I did my time.  I tip my hat and slug my beer to you and pour some for my homies for good luck too.  I applaud those that served My Country for the past 7/8 years.  I don’t know how you guys did it.

Those of you that have lost our lives fighting the “War on Terror” I only hope that the rest of our country stands up and defends your honor some day.  You didn’t die in vain I promise.  We will vindicate your deaths.  We will honor you by holding those rotten, heartless, cowardly,  evil,  sons of bitches that lead you to your deaths accountable for what they did and didn’t do.  The need to be held accountable while they are still walking on our country’s soil.  They played the ultimate game and risked American lives to further their own personal agendas.  They must pay the price.  If  your country wont hold them accountable I pray that another, better, morale, law-abiding, God fearing nation will.

You,  you did not die in vain.  You died for a cause.  Freedom.  You may have died because of greed and misguided priorities but in the long run you will be honored properly and will stand as the symbol of all that is good in the citizens of this great nation.  Because of a soulless group of draft dodging people were able to trick the “liberal” media and the rest of the citizens of this great country I don’t blame you.  I applaud your ability to do what you are told; begrudgingly.  I applaud you doing 3, 15 month tours while your newborn son learned how to walk, talk and eat on his own without ever knowing you existed.  I feel for you.  I can’t even imagine how hard it must be for your loved ones. I can’t even imagine leaving a pregnant wife behind and dying, never to see your own child.  No biggee though, Saddam could have built WMDs.  It’s all good, we were pretty sure he and AQ were in cahoots.  They weren’t?  Oh?  Shit.  Our bad.  No biggee, we never really said he had WMDs…and on and on and on.  Lie after lie after lie with politicians and media supporting and appeasing them.  Question their motives or methods and be pilloried.  Accept it and be canonized.

They disgust me, the leaders and politicians that allowed this to happen as well as made it happen.  I’m sorry.  I’m sorry I let you die in an unjust war.  A war even the church I used to belong to said was unjust.  I’m sorry that that the 4th branch of government let you down.  You represent everything that is good with our country.  The spirit of a country that billions around the world hope to be able to have for their own children some day.  You are the victims in this and at some point you will see justice.  Your mother’s, father’s, wife’s, husband’s, daughter’s and son’s will make it right or see it made right.  It may take a while but, I know in my heart that enough people in this country and around the world will vindicate you.  They will not allow the aura of our great country to be soiled and sullied.  They know we are the only hope.  We are not infallible as a men (yes women too UI) as a country.  The past decade has shown us how important it is to stand up for what is right and now the citizens of this great country are going to hold those people that trampled on the laws that made this nation great accountable for their transgressions. Like it or not we must do what is right by you and for you.

Soon enough you will be memorialized in the right way.  I’m sorry.  I’m sorry that our elected officials put you at risk.  It is going to take a long time to heal the wounds and to be able to supplant the United States of America atop the the totem pole of morality on this planet.  We will we sit atop there again one day.  We will be able to look back at this time in our nations history and say that we were wrong and that we have changed.  We have learned from our mistakes and will not repeat them.  One day we will be able to say that the countless number of those serving that perished didn’t die in vain.  They died actually defending our freedom and not our our safety.  Freedom is what our military is supposed to protect.  There is a difference though the less intelligent and educated are unable to distinguish between the two, Freedom and Safety.

I am sorry you had to perish to defend spineless cowards.  Liars.  Hypocrites.  Draft Dodgers.  Bigots.  Homophobes.  Fake Christians.  Fake Americans.   I’m sorry I wasn’t able to do more to keep you from perishing all because I  too allowed myself to be mislead.  I too was a mouthless pawn.  I can only hope that America becomes stronger and learns from our mistakes.  That we stop allowing ourselves to be used and manipulated.  That we dig beyond what we are told and search for answers and not assume we are told the truth no matter who is in office.  I only hope that the mistakes we made torturing fellow humans doesn’t result in more pointless deaths. Though I’m confident it will for quite a while.  Much like we were told to hate the USSR for what they did to their own citizens, other nations citizens will no doubt have that same hatred for what we now represent.  We are better than that  or at we least we used to be.  We need to be better than that again to protect and honor your name.  The only way I can think to memorialize the most recent names added to a long list of true patriots is to do what should be done during events and days like today.

In honor of you I’m posting photo’s of several fellow humans being tortured in the hopes that one or two more Americans will take note and realize that until we hold those accountable that let this happen, we can’t move forward as a nation.  That we can’t keep our nation safe and prevent more military men and women from becoming names on a list of pointlessness.  We are a civilized nation.  A nation of laws.  A nation that doesn’t stoop the level of the savages that hate us and want to kill us.  We are better.  If we are a Christian nation, then why aren’t we acting like it?  If we are the greatest nation ever then when will we take the high road and do what we tell other countries is the right just way.

It is with great pride that I and DL honor our Nations Fallen.  Our past mistakes will not be repeated.  Hopefully, we will hold those accountable that put our country in harms way and will make future members of our military those to be memorialized.  Bless you and know that you are in our hearts.  You paid the ultimate price for our freedom. 

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