Donviti Interview Tip #87

Filed in National by on May 26, 2009

When asked, “The last review you had what areas did your management say needed improvement?”

Do not say:

1. Attendance

2. Drug habit

3. Completing work on time

4.  Meeting deadlines

5.  Controlling my temper

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:


    “I signed an agreement stating that communications relating to internal personnel matters are confidential. That plus my integrity forbids me to answer that question.”

  2. feces says:

    “My incredible enthusiasm, attention to detail, and non-stop workaholic attitude that made my bosses embarrassed because I was showing them up!”

    Yeah, those interview tips that tell you to turn a negative into a positive are all full of shit.

  3. feces is exactly correct. When someone asks your strengths and weaknesses, they expect a real answer from you. The answer above is a BS, eye-rolling answer. Everyone has something that they aren’t the best at. I think what employers want to see is some self-awareness. The follow-up question to a weakness should always be about how you overcome that weakness.

    Yes, you shouldn’t say you’re lazy but you could say “time management” and talk about a calendar a to-do list, etc.

  4. G Rex says:

    Impatience with the incompetent morons that surround me and keep me from getting my own work done. Well, that and my reluctance to delegate tasks to said incompetent morons.

  5. delacrat says:

    Do root beer floats count as a weakness ?