Charlie Copeland’s new writer baffles me

Filed in Delaware by on May 27, 2009

Between pornstache running to be the governor of a pretty important state in this great nation and now reading up some of the crap Charlie Dupont Copeland and his “writers” (wink wink) posts I don’t have much fear of the GOP taking over the top tier of government any time soon.

I occasionally read other local bloggers to reaffirm the fact that DL is the best blog in the state and I stumbled upon this awesome display of potential Lt. Governorship:

Finally some good news. The UN and the President have issued statements to North Korea chiding them over launching missiles. Thank goodness. I feel much better now.

Oh, it gets better believe me.

As we all know statements have great impact on what screwball Communist/dictatorial regimes do. Ask Stalin or the Nazi’s or Chavez, etc.

Stalin, Nazi’s and Chavez. Chavez? Hmmmm That Sesame Street song is ringing in my ear. One of these things is not like the other. I mean, come on, of all the leaders out there he pulls this one out of his incredible rolodex of foreign tyrants. (Hint, Think Middle East)

I remain baffled

and so do I homie…and so do I

as to why North Korea launched yet another missile. Didn’t they know they were going to get more statements? Eureka – the wisdom of the ages has been revealed to me – they think that the Secretary of State will come visit laden with gifts and do a photo – op just like the last female Secretary of State. The two woman have something in common but I can’t seem to remember what it is. Anyway, back to the incalculable value of statements.

hmmm I will let my fellow female bloggers have a crack at that one. It don’t look right to me after a first, second or third read. Hell of a deal breaker the next time someone wants to run for office me thinks though. I’d hate to have that quote attributed to a website I own/run/edit. Not that Chuck can’t put up a new website somewhere and deny he actually did it.

I mean statements do they have their place it allows for time for diplomacy. It also allows the dictator more time to pillage, kill , maim, destroy, and of course keep democracy in a closet thanks to state run TV. And for North Korea it allows more time for building more missiles so they can sometime soon have a real practice test.

Oh dear code word alert: Democracy DV’s talking point decoder is pinging like crazy and it sounds to me like homegrown wants to go all pre-emptive on someone.

Whereas today’s dictators are like unruly kids who have been trained that the parents won’t really come upstairs with the belt or really ground them for two weeks or really stop them from eating ice cream, they continue doing whatever it is they like.

What? Huh? (Picture DV re-reading with mouth agape and completely bewildered, then shaking head says aloud, “what the hell is this fool writing on about?” My dog looks up, stares, plops back down and resumes sleeping.)

My only question is what statement do we issue when Toyko is hit by a missile and we by treaty are forced to assist them?

Where did you go to school? How did you graduate? What do you do for a living that even remotely leads you to believe that writing crap like this is insightful and somehow coming from a man with knowledge of foreign diplomacy. And since when and why are we supposed to be worried about China? A pretty big country, with a lot of people that I’m pretty confident can handle itself. Assuming you aren’t Charlie then wow, hell of an addition to the blog.

Ladies and gentlemen our almost Lt. Governor’s newest addition.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Dave M. says:

    The New GOP slogan:

    “If you can’t get support for your ideas, try to scare them shitless.”

  2. liberalgeek says:

    New GOP slogan, same as the old GOP slogan

  3. RSmitty says:

    they think that the Secretary of State will come visit laden with gifts and do a photo – op just like the last female Secretary of State.

    Hmm…I can’t help but to think they were trying to speak of Albright and H Clinton there, but somehow managed to forget what Condi did, after moving into that role, after Powell left.

  4. I’m also baffled about what H. Clinton and M. Albright have in common in that sentence. They are both accomplished women? They are both women Republicans don’t like? They are both Democrats?

    Who was president when N. Korea developed nukes? Oh yeah, it was Bush. Oopsie!

  5. The truth China is handling us, we don’t need to be concerned can China handle itself.

    Second, on N Korea you are wrong as always. The North Korean’s program began in earnest after the failure of an agreement between the Clinton Administration and N Korea in 1994. Oopsie.

    The objective of the agreement was the freezing and replacement of North Korea’s nuclear power plant program with more nuclear proliferation resistant light water reactor power plants.

    Also, misinformed liberals attacked Bush as shunning diplomacy. However, the six party talks never amounted to much and N Korea officially walked away from them during the Obama administration.

    Mike Protack

  6. PBaumbach says:

    From my rooftop on a clear day I can see a school with a map on its wall, and on the map I can see North Korea. I’m an expert–listen to me.

    Perhaps Copeland can run for VP with McCain in 2012!

    At least he already has the wardrobe.

  7. Bush did nothing while N Korea developed a nuclear bomb. They started enrichment when Clinton was president, and ended it after 6-party talks. Bush didn’t have any use for diplomacy and sat on his ass while N. Korea developed a nuclear bomb. He finally agreed to 6-party talks to basically get the same agreement that Clinton got.

  8. Dave M. says:


    Bush wasn’t worried; there are no Muslims in North Korea.