Hannity Is Still An Idiot

Filed in National by on May 27, 2009

Keith Olbermann interviewed Erich “Mancow” Muller on Countdown last night.

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During the interview, Muller reveals that Hannity still doesn’t believe waterboarding is torture.

Mancow reaffirmed that the practice was indeed torture and said that his “psychological state” going into the experiment was that he was “laughing at it. I was willing to prove, and ready to prove, that this was a joke, and I was wrong. It was horrific. It was instantaneous. And look, I felt the effects for two days.”

Mancow also revealed that his friend Sean Hannity “called me and said ‘it’s still not torture.'”

Gee, the guy who didn’t undergo waterboarding calls the guy who did to tell him it wasn’t torture. Hannity is such a genius. Hannity just knows it isn’t, I guess. Does Hannity have a hard time admitting that the U.S. tortured people, so he can’t even admit it happened in his own mind? The “we didn’t torture” talking point is the least persuasive GOP spin.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (35)

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  1. jason330 says:

    This Mancow guy sounds like the kind of sissy conservative that Glen Beck wants to put to death in order to restore the GOP to national prominence.

  2. RSmitty says:

    I read the newsmax link (the Beck/Stinkbaugh convo linked in Jason’s comment). This little nugget on their views was in there:

    Look, I don’t care what you do in your own bedroom…

    Either he truly isn’t what he puts himself out there to be, or he is an outright liar, trying to soften an already emblazened image in order to placate the gullible into letting down their guard.

  3. nemski says:

    Mancow is a sissy boy.

  4. MJ says:

    Bill Colley on WGMD also called Mancow a “liberal radio host” and claims that waterboarding is not torture. He then went on to compare waterboarding to the Bataan Death March, saying the latter was torture but WB is “protecting us from terrorists.”

  5. nemski says:

    I guess we’ll just have to waterboard Conservative talk-show hosts one at a time till they are convinced.

  6. Geezer says:

    It has nothing to do with being a sissy. The body’s reaction is involuntary — any person taking water into the lungs will react exactly the same way (the “reflex” in “gag reflex,” which is what I suffer whenever I see Hannity’s mug).

    This isn’t one of those “hold out against pain” things that Gordon Liddy types love so much. You can no more stop yourself from reacting as Mancow did than you can kill yourself by deciding to not breathe anymore. It’s one of the reasons waterboarding is effective.

  7. jason330 says:

    It’s one of the reasons waterboarding is effective… if your goal is to extract a false confession.

    I think the sissy part is that he felt the effects for two days. Walk it off baby!

  8. I support the nemski proposal. Waterboard Glen Beck and Sean Hannity!

  9. cassandra m says:

    Actually, you could start a whole new experimental station where you test enhanced interrogation techniques on conservative talk show hosts.

    Heck, bet you could set it up to charge money to folks who might want to administer the tests. THAT would make a dent in the deficit.

  10. Von Cracker says:

    First of all – to give oneself the monicker “Mancow” is bad enough, but to say you’re best buddies with Hannity, well shheeeeeeiiitttt!


  11. LaNuit says:

    Mancow used to, and may still, be on every morning on the FNC program “Fox and Friends”… the guys is most definitely not a liberal talk show host.

  12. I like the way you think, Cassandra!

  13. Von Cracker says:

    And this proves what?

    That something that has been always known as torture isn’t any longer?

    It wasn’t even done to spec and the shock jock still bugged the eff out in under 10 seconds! And pay no mind to the Hitchens video, that’s not torture either! LOL

  14. FSP says:

    “And this proves what?”

    It proves that he faked it and that Olbermann knew and interviewed him anyway. It proves nothing about torture. It proves a lot about Olbermann being a phony.

  15. Von Cracker says:

    Proves you’re desperate for vindication.

    That. Is. All.

  16. We’re back to arguing torture isn’t torture now, huh?

  17. FSP says:

    Vindication for what?

    If you’re not willing to admit that interviewing someone about their waterboarding experience when you KNOW they faked it is phony, I have nothing else to say.

  18. FSP says:

    “We’re back to arguing torture isn’t torture now, huh?”

    Show me where I said that.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    You assume YOU know. What I read wasn’t all that convincing that KO was in on the gig. Give me pdf files for the emails and correspondence to MSNBC saying as such and then I’ll believe that ALL parties were in on the deal….

  20. FSP says:

    I can’t wait to hold you all to the standard of proof you’re requesting today.

  21. There’s nothing in there that Olbermann knew anything. Do I believe it was a publicity stunt? Absolutely. I’ve always believed that. Do I believe that the waterboarding was not done correctly? Yeah, I believe that, too. Is waterboarding still torture, immoral and a great wrong done by our country? Yes.

  22. Von Cracker says:

    So the only point of the link was to bash Olbermann?

    Because with the set-up not being SOP, and Mancow bowed out in 6 seconds, it only solidifies the fact that the technique is torture.

    The other option is that he did it incorrectly on purpose because he knew beforehand that it’s torture….There is no other reasoning without it being illogical.

  23. FSP says:

    “So the only point of the link was to bash Olbermann?”

    You say bash, I say reveal, but absolutely it was about Olbermann.

    I don’t comment on torture, because I don’t consider myself well-versed enough on it to comment.

  24. Von Cracker says:

    Bullshit, you know.

  25. FSP says:

    I know what? And how is it that someone I don’t know thinks they know what I know.

  26. jason330 says:

    I don’t comment on torture, because I don’t consider myself well-versed enough on it to comment.

    And yet you feel free to comment on economics and politics. Hmmm….?

  27. Von Cracker says:

    That it’s torture….

    And I know this because even though you’re certainly a contrarian, for just the sake of being one, you’re not deaf, dumb and blind….so to speak.

  28. FSP says:

    “And yet you feel free to comment on economics and politics. ”

    Exactly. Seems to work out just fine, too.

  29. nemski says:

    I can’t wait to hold you all to the standard of proof you’re requesting today.

    You got 8 more years to wait. 😉

  30. FSP says:

    I know that a lot of issues aren’t black and white, and that if you’re going to enter a complicated argument, you should have an idea of what you’re talking about.

  31. FSP says:

    “You got 8 more years to wait.”

    I mean YOU. As in the contributors to this site.

  32. nemski says:

    I know what you meant, but lets face it the Republicans are out of power — what scandals and half-truths do we need. 😉

  33. jason330 says:

    “And yet you feel free to comment on economics and politics. ”

    Exactly. Seems to work out just fine, too.

    Not much to remember.

  34. I agree with VC. I think Mancow was trying to make himself look tougher by being able to take the torture. So, he made it easier on himself and he still couldn’t last 7 seconds. Nothing else makes sense. Liberals are not suddenly going to start listening to Mancow now. Mancow wanted to impress his listeners with what a manly man he was that he could take it and torture is no big deal. That was the publicity stunt.