Michele Bachmann Gets A Comic Book

Filed in National by on May 27, 2009

This is a clever idea. Everyone’s favorite nutty Republican is getting her own comic book! The folks at the Dump Bachmann blog have decided to release a comic book. The comic book is titled “False Witness” and it features real quotes from America’s dumbest* Congressperson.

*Yes, there’s a lot of competition.


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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Look ma, I’m on the internet. « lupi loopy loops | May 30, 2009
  1. It is just more secular progressive, mean spirited, over the top, hate mail.

  2. Geezer says:

    She’s lucky there’s no psychiatric test for holding office.

    For that matter, so are you, David.

  3. I think the comic book is a novel way to get a message out. I think that the people at the Dump Bachmann blog think that their is a bit of a media blackout on the really quite crazy things that Bachmann says. I remember the big stink that was raised when her remarks about “anti-America” politicians were widely known. She barely survived re-election in a highly Republican district. The trouble is, she says this kind of stuff all the time and it’s not just once. Republicans in that district can do better and there’s no law that says they have to continue to support the incumbent.

    And, she has really said those things.

  4. skippertee says:

    Her schrill and paranoid fantasies ARE the plots of comic books.I love to watch idiots, like Bachmann, who continue to espouse their commitment level diatribes and don’t realize they’re a national joke.It makes great reality TV.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    It’s funny David. They used her own words, so I guess you’re really belching about Bachmann.

