“Name the beer” for the Summer Concert on 8/15 @ Twin Lakes Brewery

Filed in Delaware by on May 27, 2009

We are moving right along to the final round of being able to name the special beer being served on tap at Twin Lakes Brewery on August 15th for the DL Charity Concert Event.  I asked you all to come up with some names and you guys came up strong.  Amazing what people will do for a T-shirt.  We had great several great responses and below is the list to choose from.  Personally I think I know at least one of the final names.  But I will hold off on my guess so as not to sway anyone.

Please put your top 3 choices in the comments section and we will begin to narrow this down and move on to the finals.


Surrender Monkey Cervesa

Progressive Ale

Blog Grog

Free Beer

“Better Red than Dead” Ale?

“This Ain’t a Purchase, It’s a Rental” Ale?



Fail Ale


Blogger Lager

(in black and white stencil) GOVERNMENT BEER

Ole McCeasar

Blue State Red Ale

Delaware Rouge

The Red Menace

Christina Sunset

New Castle Gives an Ale

Drunk and Blogging in Delaware

Not Before You Vote Ale

Show Me Your Twin Lakes Ale (if the chosen cancer is breast, of course)

Biden’s Gaffe

Rodney’s Folly

Joe Six-Pack Ale

Upstate Red Neck Ale

Delaware Tea

“Atkins’ Regret”

Valley Garden Ale/Lager (I’m more a lager fan.)

Brandywine Dynamite Ale/Lager

Chateau Gateway Ale/Lager

Hoopes Valley Swill Ale/Lager

Mt. Cuba Lookout Ale/Lager


Amber State


New Scotch

Red Clay Valley Red Ale


Red Clay Creek Red Ale

RedStar* Bailout – It comes in “Socialist” six-packs!

Troubled Assets Ale

Fuck New Jersey Red Ale

MoonWings Ale

Big Tent Tea


Desk Drawer Vintage

Leg Hall Ale

Caucus This

Red Bait Ale

Rebuild the GOP Ale

Pornstache Ale

Uncle Thurm’s Ale

“Too Big To Fail Ale”

Delaware Way Ale

The New Delaware Wayle

About the Author ()

hiding in the open

Comments (16)

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  1. This is too difficult! I hope others pick some of my other favorites.

    My top 3:
    Blogger Lager
    Delaware Way Ale

  2. anon says:

    I like “Blue State Red Ale.”

  3. RSmitty says:

    Moonwings, damnit! The all-inclusive brew for Moonbats and Wingnuts, alike!

  4. callit says:

    1. Fuck New Jersey Red Ale
    2. Not Before You Vote Ale
    3. Kool-Ale

  5. Voting for my own:

    Pornstache Ale (complete with masquerade mustaches)

  6. stonepony says:

    1. Blogger Lager
    2. Rodney’s Folly
    3. Valley Garden Ale/Lager

  7. jason330 says:

    I like blogger lager. Or

    Delaware LiberAle

  8. RSmitty says:

    A new one came up just today, how about:
    Suck It Protack, You Ass Ale.

    Hmm…maybe not. Anything with “Ass Ale” in succession really doesn’t sound all that inviting.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    I gotta go with Blogger Lager

  10. top 3 people! Top 3! Sheesh

  11. anon says:

    Is it a lager or an ale?

  12. wifebeater says:


  13. Perhaps LG used his 3 votes for Blogger Lager.

  14. jason330 says:

    Wired RFP Ale

  15. jason330 says:

    HB 162 is Bullshit Ale

  16. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, I don’t read your posts. Viewing them directly hurts my eyes, so I only read the comments. It’s kinda like looking at an eclipse.

    Blogger Lager

    Surrender Monkey Cervesa

    Blue State Red Ale