‘Talking Points Memo’: Sestak WILL Challenge Specter

Filed in National by on May 27, 2009

El Somnambulo has been waiting for this moment. Democrat-of-the-moment & perennial drama queen Arlen Specter will be challenged by Rep. Joe Sestak in the Democratic primary for Specter’s Senate seat in 2010, according to Talking Points Memo.

From TPM, a site serious politicos should be reading on a daily basis:

Earlier today, a Sestak volunteer and contributor received a handwritten note from Sestak himself, announcing his intent to run and asking for a contribution. The source provided TPMDC a scan of the letter.  The note says, “I am writing you as especially dear supporters to let you know I intend to run for the U.S. Senate…my candidacy’s credibility will have much to do with my fundraising success by the 30 June FEC filing deadline at the end of this quarter. Would you help me bring the change for the future we Pennsylvanians need[?]”

Allow ‘bulo to make this prediction right now. If Sestak does run, he defeats Specter in the primary handily. If Specter even takes it to a primary.


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  1. Read daily? I think you mean read hourly.

    I’m excited now! 2010 is going to be an interesting election year, for sure. Now we have to wait and see if Castle runs for something.

  2. RSmitty says:

    So, you mean my dream Gen Election matchup of Harris v Swann may be dead? Time for a long, deep beer of sorrow.

  3. jason330 says:

    So do the Dems who promised Specter a free ride come down on Sestak?

    I guess I mean, how do the Dems who promised Specter a free ride come down on Sestak?

  4. John Manifold says:

    What’s gotta happen is a revolt against Specter from the ground up that shoves aside the establishment. 32 years ago all the smart people lined up behind Emmet Fitzpatrick for reelection as Philly DA. A feisty young DA named Rendell, given no chance, ran an improbable campaign and crushed the incumbent. Specter himself did the same thing 12 years earlier. Ron Castille did likewise in ’85.

    To pull this off, Sestak will have to fight hard to get committee leaders, fundraisers, organizers, etc. He’ll need a tremendous campaign manager of the quality of Neil Oxman or David Axelrod. He’ll need some of the talents and energy that Joe Torsella had been gathering. He’ll need help from his fellow House Members. He’ll need to leverage his ethnic, geographic and veteran background in a state that pays much attention to each of those factors.

    All should realize that if elected, Sestak will spend much time around the same water cooler as Tom Carper, Bob Casey and Claire McCaskill. It’s important to evict Anita Hill’s doddering accuser, but equally important to realize that Sestak would be no Tom Harkin.